Nearly there....

Friday, October 31, 2008

Even Superheroes Need Pizza!


Hope no one gets a tummy ache this evening! Kade was pretty much zinging from one wall to the other this evening before bed. Thank goodness he did not throw too much of a fit when I took his goody bag away! Yikes! Good thing it was too cold to trick or treat for very long!

This evening we went to the base to trick or treat and it was really really cute. Everyone goes all out there to hand out candy, I was quite impressed. Several had these neat "sets" built up in their garages, yards were full decorated, jack-o-lanterns every way you turned, nearly every single person handing out candy was in costume...very very fun for the kids. I mean I was REALLY impressed. Especially since when we first drove up I said, "Geez, Halloween is just LAME here." Well Mike thought they were only doing trick or treat from 4-6 which sounded weird but whatever, I don't keep up with things. Well, we just got there right as it was about to break out, which turned out for the better anyway. All those big kids start coming out after awhile and it is just way too crowded. So all the candy people were blessed with the presence of immense cuteness to start off their evening.
Oh and the boys did soooooo good! It was one of the most ADORABLE things I think I've ever seen! Cody kind of sort of did it a little bit last year, but not really. Once he figured out those people were handing out FREE "CANNY" he was ALL over it. It was nearly overwhelming a few times how DAMN CUTE it was.
Yeah, it was that cute. My heart was just bursting with adoration for the cuteness of my boys.
Shut up Aimee and just share photos of the cuteness already? Just a few snapshots for now from this evening. Nothing super great, doesn't do the cutest boys in the world justice as to how cute they really were in person. I'm trying to see how many times I can put "cute" in one single blog post right now...

To begin our story of photos. Here is dress rehearsal the day we got the costumes in the mail. Kade loved it, as I knew he would. He really loves to dress up.
Cody, who was just as adamant that HE too wanted to be Mr. Increh-uh-buhl, was not so thrilled with it after all. Oooooh dear. Too late to return it, to expensive to not wear it, what to do? So we asked him EVERYDAY if he wanted to wear it. Adamantly exclaiming, "NO!!!!" he'd run away from you. If you even TOUCHED the package it came in, he'd cry. Oy. So I'd wracked my brain trying to think of SOMETHING he might wear. He was having absolutely no part of any other costumes we had, not that any of them really fit him - not even Kade's from LAST year. Nope. So then I thought of one that would just be a hat and clothing. Surely he'd do that? Well, the "fancy dress shop" which is otherwise known to us Americans as a costume shop apparently moved or went out of business because when we finally made our way over there today, it was just an empty space. Oh hell. So finally I decided, if all else fails, I'll just faux-hawk him all up and put on some of their rock n' roll garb and he can be a punk. See, he'd fit that profile well. Especially with his attitude this afternoon.
We grabbed ALL the costumes and headed out. ALl the way there, he still refused to wear it. He cried if we mentioned it. I'd even brought along his Old Navy tee that Granny sent him if that is all I could get on him. Desperation! Not a "costume" but festive at least.

Well.... because my baby boy loves his Mommy so much. He said he'd been teasing us all that time.

It was no time at all, and they figured it out and were ringing the bell and saying their lines ALL by themselves! What big boys!!! There was ONE door, and I've got to give my big brave boy some props here, that had a scary skeleton on it who's eyes lit up. Well Kade said he was scared and he did not want to knock. However, he knew there was candy on the other side of that scary door. It was a pretty risky move, but he actually went over and rang the bell with the scary skeleton staring at him. Wow. Goes to show he's grown up a LOT, this boy who was my little fraidy cat and once he was scared, that was it. Not tonight, tonight he was a big brave boy.

There were some pretty darn cute candy hander outters. (new word). hehe

Time to replenish their energy stores with some good old carbs from Pizza Hut!

Nice hair huh? Oh don't even bug me about that damn binky. I bug myself about it enough. It is not the kid that is so addicted to those is US as parents! haha

We ended our evening by Kade asking if we could go home now because it was cold, which it was!!! Co fell asleep in the car on the way home, Kade got to stay up with us and watch Star Wars in front of the fire and go through his loot.
Now he's sleeping soundly as I'd like to be, and will be very shortly.

They both did so wonderful and I was so proud of them! Next year, I know is just going to be a total blast!

Everyone be safe and have a fantastic evening! I believe we are off to explore Norwich tomorrow - FINALLY!!! A picnic lunch at a park or castle or something. Some window shopping and just being out of the house, should the weather hold. Sunday, we're home because I got a creative itch the other day and have come up with all sorts of evil plans to occupy my poor husband's entire weekend!

Oh, and PS all these photos were taken between 5 and 6 PM. Dark huh? hahahahahaha!

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