Nearly there....

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

and lastly...

before cody does something drastic to get my attention...
this layout is not cutting it. and those photos look like ass on here.
ugh. Puh-lease tell me i don't have to get ALL technical to make this look right again.
dear blogger, why did ya "fix" what wasn't broken to start with?

ick. just sayin. ick.

it's a sickness...

i cannot post without photos apparently. so here.

Sunday afternoonon the River Cams Cambridge

Everybody! Grab a pint and watch all the daft fools try to drive a punt! (Or acknowledge the few brainiacs that HIRE someone to do it for us so we don't look like stupid wankers trying to play chicken with other punts).

Co and Dad on the punt

It's like a door. On the water.

River traffic jam

How British... ;)

Anything for a penny...

Just because, you've gotta have a picture of the hat.

My most favorite thing about the City Centre in Cambridge. Freedom of the Arts :) There's ALWAYS someone playing there.

Kade with his giant over priced lolly

i have no idea.

...and all that jazz

HELLOoooooooooo out there. Yes. Still here. Did not drop off the face of the earth.
Time to get back to it. yes yes yes. I know. Lame. Last post, December 2010? Date now? June 2011?? Okay. Well I have actually written several posts out, just never actually posted them. I kept saying more than I needed to. I had something to say. I will. I still do. Eventually but waiting on myself to get around to something sometimes, sure makes a lot of stuff NOT happen. Therefore, no more putting everything on hold. You know a brain like mine will eventually explode if I don't let it decompress sometimes. :)

I might share photos later. Presently I'm on the laptop chilling with the Codester, running short on battery power and watching 101 Dalmations. I've cut his pre-school days down to just two per week and we're still adjusting to it. I was really worried since he's always incredibly bored on Mondays, which were his one day a week he was off school and with me while Kade was at school. However, thus far we're okay. ha! Okay so it's only Tuesday on his first short week... 10 am at that. LOL but regardless, we're having a good time. I thought we might spend some time together while we can before he starts real school in September.
He doesn't necessarily LOOOOVE his preschool anyway, so why force it? In just a couple of months he'll be forever bound to his school career. Though Kade's not too happy about this set up. I think the words that keep coming out are "it's not FAIR!!" haha. He'll be alright though. About time for him to get to enjoy some more BIG brother perks, he'll realize that it's alright after all. ;)
Cody had his intro afternoon at his new classroom last week and he is OVER THE MOON to start school with Kade. He loved it, he's begged to go back every single day and stay for 300 hours. I so wish he could've started last year like he should have. He's just got too much to go on to be hanging with the babies at preschool. I've even been trying to step it up at home, as he's just SO ready to learn learn learn more. We all know that i'm not so good at that stuff, but we find creative ways to make playing into learning stuff. :)
Some of Kade's first spelling successes were actually done with kindling wood by the fireplace :)

At any rate. We're all good here. Just hanging out. Working through the last month of school, trying to figure out what we can do while they are off for summer hols and see what all we can see since our time here is drawing to an end. I'm so anxious about all we've not gotten to see and do since we've been here. Time is running out and it's running out even faster than I'd planned. I thought we'd have a few more months next spring and it's not looking like we will after all.
The boys are doing fantastic and growing at astounding rates.
Cody learned how to ride his bike without training wheels a few months ago and it's been so great. They both earned a new bike so we've all been going bike riding together, we really enjoy that. I'm going to miss the open trails that are everywhere here.

Oh dear I thought I had lots of tidbits to chat about. I do actually, my Spark has kicked in and I simply can't concentrate with all these puppies barking on the tv. Time for physical activity!!! :)

Well, I'm obviously working on the look of the blog, as you can see. I loved  blogger for being so simple to set up but now they've gone off and tried to upgrade it and I can't ever keep it looking proper. So...that's a sign. I do open it up sometimes. I will come back. I also...will not censor my writing any longer. You  have been warned. ;) I find it pointless to try and write and share things, when it's not EXACTLY as it was in my  head. It is a half-ass version of the truth and that's something I just don't care for one bit. It's not fair to anyone, so if you start reading things I put out there as offensive, best to lose the link and remove me from your feeds.
My beliefs are my beliefs and they are taken from the live I've lived, therefore, I have reasons for how I view things and I'm not going to hide that anymore. Not my foul language, dry humor, weird off the wall thoughts...whatever it is. It's my blog, my words, my me-ness so let's just embrace that. No more keeping it on the down low to keep everyone else happy b/c it makes no one happy. ;) So there you have it.
The unabridged version is to come... look out! ;)

That said, the little battery is about to turn red. I should get a replacement soon.

Later peeps!