Nearly there....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ya IS good. is one of those days. I feel better. After an adorable evening last night with my adorable little Mr. Incredibles, a good night's sleep, a nice laid back day around the house less the never ending laundry (damn this tiny washer!!!), and a lead into a lovely relaxed evening. I am letting my mind swim lazily around and thinking on all of the great things.
Someone had made a comment one day about a bottle of wine. It was a 2007 bottle and they jokingly said, "It was a good year..." to which I thought, "No, it wasn't at all actually. It was one of the worst years of my life, which isn't say much nice about it."
Now I can look at 2008, it is drawing closer to an end and even though some major things have happened in our lives and in the lives of some of my most loved ones...good and bad, it has still been pretty damn good.
My boys are finally starting to get a better grip and acting a lot better making my days much better i.e. MOMMY has got a better grip (thanks to a lengthy discussion with my fellow almost 4 year old moms) and is dealing with the preschooler/toddler-preschooler bit so much better and much more calmly. FINALLY.
I am much more calm. I think, even though we were in our home and "settled" we still were not settled. We're still not in many respects, but Mike is getting more settled in at work and into the routine there, I'm sure that has to be a bit to get used to, especially with all the new responsibilities he's taking on with his new status with rank etc... The boys are getting into the groove, I am sure I am sort of. ha!
I have been a little more in the mood to talk on the phone, which you know is something I LOATHE, but I miss my people and I do love y'all so I guess I'll talk on the phone...
The other day I got to talk to Kris and she did something I didn't think she'd do in a million years, that made her feel good, thus making me feel good. Happy for her and hope she keeps it up! I talked to my sister and Ben is having a better time in school, Ally is doing fantastic in school and Heather well...she made it out of her wreck without a scratch and is safe and sound albeit on foot....again. (I can't help but give her a hard time now.)
I've heard that Renfro (yeah a nickname. hehe) is doing awesome at football and of course Ash is doing great and Shea and Bo talked to Kade on the phone the other day, he was so excited about that.
I've gotten to talk to Frankie more via online b/c well she's laying around being lazy at home for a few days.
Frankie? Well, I won't say she's being lazy. I could never say that, with five kids I doubt that is possible anyway. She's awesome, I should update y'all on the status since I know several of you are aware of what was going on there.
The baby is HERE! Let me just say that Frank can grow some BIG healthy babies! haha! I don't think hers were that big even?!?! Anyway, Baby M made her arrival on Wednesday and weighed in at 9lbs 13oz and 21.5" long!!!! I was, as you likely know, SUPPOSED to be there to shoot the maternity and then back for the birth. So sad I missed it all! However I did get to see a few pics from the hospital and oh man...the looks on Mom and Dad's faces was enough to make anyone's heart swell! Frankie did one very amazing thing! Everyone was doing so good they were out of the hospital in less than 24 hours! So M and K are at home with their brand new baby girl and Frankie is now home probably chugging some beer! So proud to call her my friend. Selfless, loving and just giving. Giving is such an understatement, that gal's got one huge huge heart.
(If you might possibly be confused one of my very best friend's was a surrogate for her friends).

Tracy gave me a great report and update on her Mama. As of right now, there is NO TUMOR! So she has been living well and getting out and enjoying life, as she well should and her scan was totally clear this last time! Thank God!

Then today I spoke to Jayne. I read some of her blog updates and it was so touching, thanks for being so open J! ha! I know it is difficult. I just needed to SPEAK to her though after reading, so I got to chat with her on the phone. SHe sounded great! I went from thinking back to that call I got at almost midnight a few months ago, that sickening call... to hearing her today and it was so great to hear her sound so good. I think a big part of me has been in Houston for a few months just sitting there with them. It is the only way I could be there with them, and I desperately wanted to just BE there but it was not possible. If I were still in Texas, I'd be in Houston right this moment actually. Tonight is the benefit for Emma and I am so thankful that there are people there working so hard for them and doing so much. Praying for an enormous turn out and lots of generous people. (Get em drunk! People always get more generous when they're hammered!). No, the report on Em was pretty darn good. NOt the MOST PERFECT NEWS EVER, but certainly not bad at all.
She got the results back from her MRI and there was a small spot still, but it was not where the tumor was, it was a little bit lower down and they feel it is just some blood debris, a blood clot or scar tissue left over from the surgery. They will, of course, watch it closely but its a wonderful sign! Especially after one round of treatment. THere is a big update on her blog, if you would like to view it.
I guess, as it all starts to unfold, there really has been a ton of stuff on my mind for awhile. All those things though, seem to be letting up on those I love some. As everybody in the world it seems like, is beginning to fall on hard times, it's even rough over here too, there is still so much to be thankful for.

This evening though... it is cold out and pouring rain, we are warm in our lovely home. Our bellies are full. There is a roaring fire in our fireplace. My children are happily devouring Halloween candy on a huge blanket I laid out in the living room. My husband is kicking back with a cup of coffee praying that I can figure out SOME way for him to watch the Longhorns play! I am sure it is killing him to miss this season! I'm missing getting to watch too, especially since some Quarterback decided to pull his head out of his derriere this year!

So you see...while in general I am an optimist in a pessimist's clothing, I do sometimes like to come out of the closet and share the greatness that I have to be thankful and say thanks that things I prayed for, have been answered. Obviously that does not often happen, but man in these cases...I was really hoping to get a thumbs up this time. Phew!

Anyway, pretty good reports all around. It sounds like just about everyone is doing great and that is a big relief for me. :)

Love to all...I've got to get this figured out for my Mikey! He'd be one HAPPY camper if he got to see his boys play in the morning.


The Atwood's said...

I love happy updates. :o)

Anonymous said...

lovin' my sheep in wolf clothing
that frank sure did something pretty amazing.....
you are right.
your boys are incredibly too cute for words--how on earth?!