Nearly there....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's those things...

Well, here I am the other day thinking how I love this or I love that about my kids. Do I ever really share that though? In my own way, but for the most part the majority of the population rarely ever "gets" my humor. It's a "me" thing I guess.

Regardless, I noted one thing that I just love...that lead to an entire afternoon of making sure to note these things. It is that file box in my head that I like to stick back these moments, smells, expressions or sounds for later. They MUST not be forgotten. Let's hope that box keeps better than the rest of my memory.

Regardless...a list:

*I absolutely LOVE seeing little bare toes sticking out the leg of jeans. Fat little sausage toes.
*I love it when I catch Kade playing in the mirror or his reflection in the glass. I just watch quietly and try to hide my interest, he usually catches me though and when he does, I adore the look of embarrassment on his face. His "trying not to smile" smile. It is so sweet.
*I love it when I hear them singing all on their own. Their own rendition of the timeless kids songs. It literally puts a smile on my face from ear to ear, a smile in my soul too.
*I love when Cody, though it is nearing its end as he gets older, runs up to me, arms stretched up at me in that very high pitched, sort of sweet yet still demanding voice of his, "MOMMY! MOmmy! Mommy! MOMMY! MOMMY-MOMMY-MOMMY!!!!!" Meaning he wants me to hold him.
*I love it when Kade waves you up close to his face and he whispers some ludacris plan of his in your ear, thinking since it was presented as a secret that we will surely give in.
*I love that Kade's lips can pucker at least an inch out when you kiss him.
*I love it when Cody is being uncooperative and folds his arms over his chest and gives you his "mean" look. I'm sure soon enough I won't love it so much, but for the time being it's still very cute.
*I love how the highlight of life for them, is going outside to play. Nothing in this world seems to ever consume their thoughts more, than getting to go outside to play.
*I love how, no matter what they are doing, when they see their Daddy drive up in the evening, the world stops. They drop everything and RUN to the door and when he opens it they SCREAM his name as loud and screechy as they can like they have not seen him in months.
*I the feel of them nuzzling my neck when they are sleeping. How they trust you so much, they just sink into you b/c YOU are the most comforting thing they know.
*I loved it this morning when Kade, who did not eat hardly any dinner last night, comes into my room, crawls in my bed before the sun is even up, leans over and says, "Hey Mommy! GET UP! Let's go downstairs and eat some Brek-fiss. I'm HUNGRY!"
*I love how Kade can make 2 or 3 shapes out of the same object, regardless of what it is.
*Imagination. I don't there is anything better a kid can have.
*I love knowing, that my boys don't know what is really out in the world yet, that their world doesn't go out much further than our front gate, that they've not known an empty stomach (except this morning apparently) and they are healthy, they don't really know fear, and they are simply....little kids. Their laughter, their pure hearts, their innocent souls, they know nothing more than being a KID. Something I never got and to me...the best thing I could give them. If I screw them up in every other way imagineable, hey at least they got to be KIDS when they were supposed to be! ha
*I love that they can make friends with a fence post.
*I love how Kade introduces his family as his friends. He introduces us to everyone, "This is my friend Mommy and my friend Daddy and my other friend Cody." I'm sure the other kids thinks he's insane..but hey, he thinks we're COOL apparently. :)
*I love how when they are sleepy and rubbing their eyes with a big yawn, they still aren't "tired". Not until they pass out, falling over of sheer exhaustion.
*I love, not hearing kid noise for awhile, going in search of them...fear coursing through my veins, to find them in their room playing quietly with their toys. It is rare, but it does happen every once in awhile. Such a nice surprise.
*I love Cody's face lighting up, screaming with great volume -- VERY high pitched mind you -- that he "DID IT!!!!". Whatever he did, it is likely upside down, inside out, on the wrong foot, but that doesn't matter to him or us, he did it on his own and he's freaking proud of while trying to regain our hearing, we are very proud of him too.
*I love Kade's face, as it lights up comes from his chin and works its way up to his forehead that light. He lights up slowly, surely...but SO brightly and then draws in a deep deep breath and exclaims with passion that "I DID IT! I did it Mom!!! Look at me!". Huge smile, taking up his whole face.

There's many more, but perhaps I'll save some for some other day.
I have two very amazing boys. They are so special, such gifts and Lord do I have to remind myself of that most days. They wear me out, wear me down and wear me thin, but they are so worth it. They are beautiful to look at and beautiful to be around. Even in the midst of the loudest tantrum, biggest fit or crying bout, I can appreciate (way way way in the back of my mind) that that is just WHO they are. I love their personalities. They are both so very passionate but show it in such very different ways. They are best of friends too and that right there means the WORLD to me. They seem lost without one another, they yell for eachother to come play, they try to sneak in each other's beds at night sometimes and they fight like hell over the same toy that no one wanted anything to do with 10 seconds ago. They already unite in a stand off with me over things, while I'm annoyed, I can't help but laugh a lot of the time too. The indignation is enough to make anyone give in.
Just the fact that they worked that hard, are SO damn certain and are fully ready to deal with the consequences of standing up for it, it's really really hard to ignore that. Perhaps for ME as a person, maybe its going to backfire on me as a parent, but I sure do appreciate that they stand up for themselves like that. Granted, a lot of the times...the consequences puts that fire out in their eyes pretty quick, and they no longer feel quite so strongly about it, but I can still smile where they don't see me and appreciate that about their personalities.
Two Mama's boys and it's pretty darn cool. :) I also have to remind myself to take every bit I can get, because it won't be very long at all that I'm going to be all by myself. They will be busy out playing golf with Dad or hanging with their friends and just won't have time for me that often. I dread that day... remind me of that next time I'm bitching a lot about them. haha

**********Anyway, as I'm typing, I happened to notice the date.
Today is an important date. A date that I will ask for a lot of prayers and thoughts and well wishes etc... from everyone.
Today Emma has her scan to see what has happened with her tumor. She made it through her first and hopefully only round of radiation and has gotten a break from it all, less the therapies she is still attending, though not as often. She even got to go back and see her friends at dance class!
So, please pray that it is gone. Just gone. I ask that of you all my friends, family and any random stranger that may happen upon this. Pray that damn thing is GONE.
If you or anyone you know is in the Houston area, there is a benefit for Emma that I don't have the link to but will soon. It is coming up very soon and hey let everyone know about it! It would be wonderful to have it loaded full of people!*****************

Emma - you are such a vibrant and beautiful little girl, so strong and courageous and you don't even know it yet. You've dealt with some things that many grown ups couldn't handle over the past few months and are still showing that gorgeous smile! We are so proud of you, miss you, love you and hope to get to see you really soon!
Oh and Kade says... XOXOXOXOXO. haha

So, on that note. I'm working on putting together the boys playroom today. I have decided to go ahead and make it a playroom after all. I seriously have issues. I keep deciding that I will make it that, and have my reasons, but then forget those reasons and wonder if I shouldn't make it something else.
YES it is going to be a playroom. From what I hear we're going to have little daylight very soon, as it is already PITCH BLACK by 6 and is only getting worse, we need to have a few places for the boys to play and keep their brains entertained. Maybe some floodlights too, so they CAN go outside at night some too! haha
So, I've researched and decided what toys and learnign things to put in there, I hear tale of a couple of Christmas gifts that will be perfect to go in there. This will be our Christmas for them, filling up a playroom. We were going with the big yard thing, but I'd rather get the REALLY big one and why bother getting that in the winter when they'll just have to look at it from indoors so often? So we're doing their playroom for this Christmas and their summer just b/c we damn well feel like it gift is going to be absolutely AWESOME!

We also got our fencing materials on Monday. FINALLY. So Mike is off as of tomorrow and we'll be busy busy busy! We've got a very large yard, so LOTS of fence to get up. Well, I need the workout anyway. ;)

1 comment:

JM said...

Awww. Emma loves Kade too! Thanks man. That is really sweet. Love you guys too!