Nearly there....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good:

*I have finally found a computer repair person! So soon, this darling will be off to the hospital and hopefully come home feeling good as new after having a little "work done". (We don't have to say facelift out loud).

*I found out that I can get an even better deal on a Mac when the time comes! Exciting! ha!

*I made Shannon's chicken Spaghetti tonight (wasn't as good...but it was kinda close! I did better the first time! haha).

*Mike is off tomorrow, without planning this at all mind you, it turns out that the kids have school. Meaning what? Meaning my husband and I will have an entire SIX HOURS TO OURSELVES! What on EARTH will we DO??? Get your minds out of the GUTTER folks! NO, we are NOT coming back to this house! There shall be NO computer, NO tv. We are going SOMEWHERE to do SOMETHING. I've got a few ideas, but we'll see. Let's hope the weather holds true to the useless forecast!

*I am definitely looking forward to a nice day with some alone time with my hubby. Let's hope that this wicked PMS (yes I do actually still get THAT unfortunately) will let me stay as unmoody as possible. I'm sure if he shoves chocolate my way every 10 minutes or so he can keep the bitchiness at bay for a few hours at least. I can see it now, walking around with a giant bag of reese's cups, tossing them at me with every glimpse of a sour look. ha!

*Kade has turned into such a GREAT helper! He INSISTS on helping with almost everything and he loves it. He does really darn good too! Last night helped make brownies that I inadvertanly burned. Tonight he loaded the dishwasher for me and then made a castle out of the soup cans while I was cooking. Oddly though, when I asked them both to pick up their puzzles peices before I tossed them in the trash he disappeared without a trace until CODY (who NEVER picks up anything) did it all. ha! I'm sure he disappeared so that Cody would grow and mature in that aspect, right? Sure.

*They love school! I have not elaborated on school much yet, but will.

*For anyone that worried or fretted that our boys were too young and would forget them. They talk about everyone back home WAY more than you can imagine! Seriously. I mean, they even surprise me with it sometimes. Seriously, how young was Cody when Shannon got rid of her black Vette? She sent one in the mail for Kade, but after the fist fight ended, Cody had it and it is his and he calls it "Winnie Cah" {translation - Granny's Car}. It's been awhile folks, and none of us called it that. Damn smart that one...

Kade brings up the most RANDOM people out of the blue! I, of course, DIED laughing when he came in with this huge hair clip (used for holding hair out of the way to cut it) and told me he was going to fix Uncle Jay's hair. I told him I'd give lots of money to see him fix Uncle Jay's hair with that. hahaha! (come on now, THAT is funny stuff).

Today there was one moment, that...just struck me. THere are those moments once in awhile. We love being here, we really do. SUre we miss home and we miss our peeps but...we love it here and we're doing really well, but there is still that moment, out of nowhere that just hits sometimes and today there was one of those. Which I will elaborate on soon, but I must have photos for visual effects before I can go on! haha

Anyway, the good is, they --- even as young as they are --- DO love you all very much. They DO miss you guys and think of you much more than you might ever imagine.

I have a hard time discerning the difference between "Twacy" and "Cwazy" they sound much the same...oh perhaps they mean the same thing. haha. Kinda does when you think about it. hahahaha. ( I think I should look into being a stand up somedays I swear).

The Bad:

*My PMS still remains a sad and scary time for anyone within earshot. I should write out notes of apology ahead of time. When the full moon comes out and the beast within tears free and begins rummaging through every single cabinet and drawer and freezer to find some freaking form of chocolate somewhere and finally settles on ALL that was available, being a tub of chocolate icing meant for someone's birthday cake. I can finally emerge again and find myself sitting in a corner on the floor shoving my hands in the tub and eating this stuff ferociously and chugging milk straight out of the jug. Its like a fugue or something, I was there minding my business and suddenly come to with crazy hair, ripped clothes and chocolate all over my face and hands.

*I have yet to find any subliminal tapes on changing your hormonal craving for chocolate to sardines or something. HOpefully I will soon. Thank goodness, should add this to the good list, that my weight has totally and very oddly sustained all the damage I could have done to it in the past few months. PHEW! I'm insanely STILL where I Was when I left, just....fluffier in the middle than I was which pisses me off. I try not to get pissed though b/c then that whole thing with the tub of chocolate starts all over again.

*I will be sending my desktop off to be worked on and there is the slim chance that it might not survive the surgery, so there is a possibility of me quite literally having absolutely NO computer at ALL until I can just buy another one.

*My laptop is still dead. Mike and I giving it a rub down and talking gently to it and even offering it money did not work in the least. So dead it stays. An ornament and reminder of failure sitting over there in the corner. STaring at me. Yeah whatever, HP SUCKS!

*I'm gonna write some DOWNRIGHT VILE things about a business in Abilene for being so TERRIBLY VILE when it came down to the closing of my account in regards to our MILITARY ORDERS. Watch out people, I've got a vendictive nature and a DAMN big mouth. Just ask anyone that's ever been around me, ESPECIALLY when it is PMS time. What unlucky bastard did not work things the way I wanted them when I was too hormonal to give a damn about being nice and courteous for them just doing their damn job? Stupid fool. Don't they have a warning signal that can catch that when the call comes in? LIke send my call to the guy that got caught lying about his long lunch hours and stealing rubber bands from the supply closet? THat's plenty enough punishment, he'd never do it again I promise. OH well.

*I miss Rosa's. I could REALLY go for a #14 with chicken and a couple of burritoes and a #39 and oh one of those dreamy dr. peppers with that heavenly ice they have.


The Ugly:

*For starters, that would also be attributed to my PMS in some parts. THere's that little abbreviation yet again. Y'all tired of hearing about it yet? TOUGH! haha. I have an acne outbreak like I have not had in AGES! Ugh! WHat is worse, is that for some reason, not only do I have way worse acne than I've EVER had in my life (and I can be thankful that even now, its honestly NOTHING compared to a lot of folks) now it scars me. I need a damn laser. Seriously. Can I just have one for home? So now I have to make an appt. to see a dermatologist for the first time in my life. Yay.

*Next, we'll add in my hair! I MISS IDALIA!!!!!! *sob*sob*! My hair is sooooo YUCKY and dull and icky and flappy and the roots, oh Lord the roots. She'd disown me if she saw how bad they were. Alas, I am just going to have to do it myself and PRAY I don't end up with orange hair. I am sick over it b/c this was my FAVORITE color job out of all of them ever, and she's done some really neat ones on me! After what they did to Cody's hair (poor kid, I have the ugly hair kid now) there's no way on EARTH I'd let anyone on the base touch me and I just can't prioritize a hairdo out on the economy right now when we have SO MUCH other crap we need. Ugh. I think my last rant mentioned something about getting old sucking. Well being a damn grown up sucks too.

*Well, let's see....that's my skin and my hair. I guess my attitude is kind of ugly too right now. haha

*I have to admit, see if this gets any of you little turds out of the woodwork... that I'm kinda put off by some folks. Rather ironic how I"m not there to take photos for people anymore and suddenly I just don't exist any longer. Apparently, I dunno. Seems that way though. So, I feel kind of ugly about it, so it is on the ugly list. Deal with it! I'm still as easy to get a hold of you know. Most of my correspondence was via email anyway, hey guess what? It's the same damn it!!! Myspace, yep, two of them, still the SAME! Yahoo, hey guess what you can call via computer FREE. The only thing I Have yet to do, is get the Abilene number through VOiP and that is coming, there's just an issue with figuring how to bill it. The whole currency exchange business. So...anyway. Call me pathetic, whatever. Some of you people suck in my book right now. I'm only going to check in so many times ya know. I mean how sad is that? I'm not all about being pathetic you know, not my *thing*. Call, call, call or write, write, write. I'm not one to go all psycho just to get a "friend" to respond. Sorry, I leave that for the psycho girls that give the rest of us sane ones a bad name.
I mean, far be it from me to even expect anyone to call me for .07 measley cents a minute. Yeah, that's how cheap you can call just on a regular plan. I know the people that immediately went out and got International calling on their phones for us. I feel the love there, you know who you are and I FEEL THE LOVE. Thank You. :)
Showin up the other folks now aren't ya!?!?!?! hahahahahahahaha

*I desperately need a night OUT but don't see that happening anytime at all in the near future, or the distant future. You know how a gal just has to have a reason to get all dressed up really nice, maybe even nice enough to get a new outfit for it! Oh and new shoes too. Of course. Fancy hair and extra care on the make up and just feel DAMN good about looking NICE and having a freaking REASON to. Anymore I just feel goofy getting all dressed up to just dress up for the hell of it. I feel like everyone who sees me knows that I was just desperate to wear my heels that I had to dust off, so I over did it out of desperation, not b/c I actually had any other reason to dress that way. I know a lot of folks (Nicole -- haha) just dress that way all the damn time. For me, though, the queen of cargo pants/capris and jeans and faded rock tees and floppy sweaters, I'd just feel goofy wearing some hooker heel hoochie boots to the comissary to pick up 6 jugs of milk and a bag of cheetohs.


*I'm pastey, I need a tanning bed in my garage.

*I'm hairy, I need a wax machine stat! These brows have gotten spoiled too!

*I'm flubby, I need a gym next door!!!! (okay, around the corner where I can't see the SUPER dedicated people who'd make me feel even flubbier).

* Perhaps, BLAH is the best way to describe my current mood. Perhaps???? ha!

*We got an estimated cost of electricity today. Ugly is the ONLY way to describe that one. Wow.

Okay, so there you have it. My completely mindless, useless and pointless whatever you wanna call it of the day.

Hey! I"m impressed with me though, I got all the way up to 15 posts last month! That is with some of my time offline being in September too! Yay!

Well, if I do not pass out before I can accomplish it, I will try to find the photos I need and expand on something mentioned above. :)

At this time though, it might have to be tomorrow night. The boys crummy waking hours are catching up with me this evening. Last night too.... okay, just overall. Yikes! I'm so tired!

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