Nearly there....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The word of the day is....OBNOXIOUS

My kids are being obnoxious. Actually. It is mainly one, the other one is actually being oddly well behaved today, but once in awhile following suit with his brother and adding to the obnoxious air in the house.
The most obnoxious thing they've done lately, is one that I really can't figure out, can't come up with a plan to cut this off. Don't WANT to deal with the one thing that HAS come to mind to maybe get them to stop.
They wake up so early. WHY???? I think they've had PLENTY of time to get adjusted. If it takes them this long to get over the jet-lag and overall time difference, we're never going to get to go home for a visit! Nah, it really only took them a couple of weeks and they were rocking along on a pretty normal pattern again. THey've just gone out of their minds.
My kids ALWAYS slept until 7 or 8 am. Which was a Godsend seeing as how I was usually up till 3 AM working. However, now I am not. Do I get to just get up earlier here and have those few moments of quiet in the morning? The ones I've always dreamt of? Where you get up and take a leisure shower, have a drink of dr. pepper, stroll around...breathe in the quiet...
I'd have a chance to do that here since I am not up all night AND I find it much easier to wake up at 6:30 am. I am NO morning person. I never have been, but I have discovered that getting up earlier in the morning and getting around does make for a better mood through out the day. Oh can I do that though? Can I even make that happen????

Do they wake up at the crack of dawn? No. Do they wake up at the ass crack of dawn? (I'm assuming that is earlier than the crack of dawn since there is cursing involved). No.
They have been waking up at FOUR THIRTY to FIVE THIRTY IN THE FREAKING MORNING EVERY MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is NOT cool when that is what time your KIDS wake you up.
The only time 4:30 A.M. is cool, is when you are STILL awake partying like a fool BEFORE you have kids.
Why in the hell would THEY want to be up that early?
So I would assume it would just be an ideal time to start a later bedtime? No. Doesn't work. So okay...put them to bed EARLIER, sometimes kids actually need MORE sleep but wake up at insane hours. So that actually DID work with Cody for a couple of nights, he seems to have figured us out.
NOW they are going one further and only napping for an HOUR?
Drop the nap you say????? That's the place I am just not going. NO WAY.
I NEED it. I don't care if THEY need it, I do.

Do they have kiddie xanax or something? Isn't it okay in Europe to give your kids red wine or something????
(okay for the record I'm seriously freaking joking. I wouldn't even give my kids benadryl for the 11 hour flight to get here).
Well, he only napped for an hour. I hear the thunderous footsteps bounding from room to room upstairs, I should intervene before he wakes up the REALLY obnoxious one. Maybe they seem more obnoxious because *I* am so tired? Nah...I think the back talking smart mouthed BS pretty much pisses me off at anytime, well rested or not.
Two years old? Piece of cake. Three years old? Sometimes a smidge more trying, but not terrible. Four years old? That is coming in the next couple of months and I'm afraid...very very afraid. Smart Mouth and Oozing Attitude have moved in and shoved out Whiney, Screechy and Pouty.

So, who were the other two dwarfs?

Is it even more worrisome that so far, two has been a BETTER age for Cody than before this? LESS tantrums. Somehow, that actually worries me for the years to come. Oh well, at least HE is being fairly nice to me today. Maybe I'll give him chocolate and try to seal the deal, but if I do that, he'll get pissed that there was somehow an end to the supply and then throw a tantrum and be evil to me the rest of the day.
Oh the curses of motherhood.
Never was the phrase "damned if you do and damned if you don't" more true. Never. A mom came up with that, just so you know.

So I leave you with photos once again.
I can either have photoshop open and MAYBE sweet talk it into working for me so I can convert photos. Or I can have the internet open and MAYBE sweet talk it into actually loading a page. I have yet to figure out how to sweet talk it into doing everything I want. Man, I'm REALLY losing my touch.

Getting old SUCKS.

Who on earth would chunk a pillow at that poor little baby and knock him down?

Well, now he's just being over-dramatic here.

Yes, smile cute and innocent and fool everyone else. Okay, so he fools me half the time too. He's just so damn CUTE!

Cody's boudoir debut. Modeling his bat jammies from Granny.

Some people like to call my green chair ugly. They are NUTS! It is beautiful and I love it and so does everyone else, they just won't openly admit it.

1 comment:

The Atwood's said...

I read this the other day but didn't get a chance to comment.

I wanted to tell you though, "I" happen to LOVE your green chair. :o)