Nearly there....

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Oh yeah and...

I thought I should update since I've complained about it so long. My coat FINALLY arrived just over a month later. How pathetic is that?
I suppose I should just be happy it doesn't take that long for packages that WE send to get out...MOST of the time granted. Not always. It is so up in the air. So, we can't try to skimp on airfare and ship ourselves home for a visit. Damn.
Anyway. I do now have a coat. My question is, if the return policy states 30 days, and I got here it a month and a half after I ordered it b/c their shipping SUCKS BALLS, does it count? I mean seriously? I'm not sending it back, but it was a thought.
Anyway. I was wanting it to hurry and get here when I ordered it, which there is NO REASON AT ALL it should've taken so freakin long to get here, to make sure it was warm enough.'s more of a fall/spring jacket than a dead of winter coat.
Certainly not worth the trouble or the time it would take to return it though.
Jack asses. I will NEVER order online from there again. Part of it was our mail system, but the majority of that, was the store itself. Thaks so much for that upgraded shipping. (If only I had a great photo of someone flipping the bird, however it IS Christmas so I suppose I'll can it).
I'ts here, it fits so that is all.

It was supposed to be here a week and a half ago to two weeks. Here yet? Nope. Can I check its tracking online? For some reason. NOpe.
Why? The evil people that are working at the post office on base are probably playing some dumb computer games on it and making it act stupid so it will be good and messed up by the time I get it. I"m sure it will arrive just as the warranty runs out.

We still have a few packages that were sent to us that are not here yet as well. Luckily...the boys will just be excited they still have more stuff to open!

Hopefully someone will come through and give me my computer soon! I'm loaded down with photos and videos to share, but just not the patience to make it happen so I can share them.

Hmmm....that bitching came out of nowhere. I just felt I should say that my coat FINALLY arrived and I"m waiting on MORE stuff to get here.

Have a lovely day :)

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