Nearly there....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Are you disappointed in me?

I would be. This is the sorriest blogging month yet. I simply don't think I've had much to say. haha! I'm feeling rather boring still. I might have a touch of Christmas Blues maybe. . . I don't know. I don't feel like it actually, but perhaps that explains it. More than anything...I just have absolutely nothing of interest to say, little time to be creative in coming up with something even remotely creative and simply little time to even sit here to type out more than "I...".
My children have been sick, then I have been sick, then my husband has been sick, and my kids were sick again - you read that right... THREE males in my home sick at the same time. I survived, pat me on the back. Oh and then I got sick AGAIN.
I honestly can't think back to exactly what year it was that I was not sick during the holidays. I KNOW I will have some sort of funk on Thanksgiving and I'll get some other form of funkier funk for Christmas. When is the last time I got to sit AT the table with my family for turkey and dressing? Instead of being banished to the laundry room?
No, I'm joking of course - they love me enough to tolerate my infectious nature. To a degree of course...
At any rate. I'm disappointed in my lack of blogging this month. My only excuse is illness and a busy month and lack of computer time etc...

Tomorrow is a pretty exciting day for us, hopefully I'll be sharing some neat photos after tomorrow. We're off on a bit of a day trip tomorrow and get to see some new countryside, so I'm very excited about that!!!

The other exciting thing is the computer fairy really DOES exist! I have been waiting and waiting and ARGH!!! Dell don't make me take back my love proclamation for you! It was supposed to be delivered from last Thursday to this MOnday. HELLO it is FRIDAY!!! Still no sign.

Oh and to add to THAT frustration... I have NO COAT STILL!!!!!! I ordered in mid/late November and oh what's that? It's the end of DECEMBER AND I AM COLD!!!!!!!
Jack asses.
All of them. Every damn one of them. Thank God we did not get orders to Antarctica or something. Oh man.
COME ON DELL!!!!!! COME ON COAT!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all. I have to get up early and we all know how well I do that, so I should take this opportunity to sleep a bit.

I'll even pick up my camera. Now that I've cleaned off my 10 gb's of cards (lalalalalah....).

I bid you all farewell....

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