Nearly there....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Stand Corrected.

I apparently named my blog here incorrectly. It still holds humor for me though so it shall stay. Regardless, I have to say I've not once heard a single person say, "cheerio!" since I got here. I guess it's not even remotely cool. Maybe that damn cereal took the lustre out of it.
No, they actually say, "Cheers Mate!". I feel so rude not returning the sentiment, but man it feels like such an ODD thing to say to me! NOt sure why, I just can't imagine, especially with my fantastic Texas drawl saying, "Cheers Mate!"
I think that stands for, bye, see you later, thank you, you're welcome ... so on and so forth. Apparently a term with a broader usage than "aloha". Never thought that would happen did you?


Kimberly said...

Just say "Howdy!" and smile~

Unknown said...

i don't know.... you sure as hell do NOT wave to people you don't know.
i believe the explanation as to why everyone was SO RUDE by not returning our good ol' texas wave was, "you dont KNOW them! they think you're bloody MAD!"

who knows how 'howdy' would go over!