Nearly there....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Too tired to blog

I've promised a few folks that I would add photos of the house. I Went through and took pictures of most of the rooms to show everyone back home. I've tried for 2 days to get it on here and well, just can't seem to find the time. I wasted a lot trying to just put them in a slideshow to save scrolling for everyone, but of course, after I spent all that time, it didn't work in the end.
So, I am going to add them soon, but not tonight.
I am just too tired.
Way way too tired.

Soon. Soon.

Lots of photos and some shots of the boys as well!
They've been a real handful in good and bad ways this week, but with that I've just not really gotten much of a chance to be on the computer at all to do anything that I need to. Which is so much!
TOMORROW we're leaving our boys with a SITTER and going up to the pub for a couple of drinks and some gourmet food (as I hear it). I am ALL FOR IT. It is a short short walk around the corner, so we are ready. Also, to anyone who may well know it, this would be the very first time I can really recall that I've ever left our kids with a "sitter" and not close friend or family member. How bout that? I guess moving away from home does make you grow up just a little yeah? Just a tiny bit though, we won't get carried away.

Oh man. Yapping again.

I know there are also a couple of folks expecting an email. I've just about got it all together. I AM working on it! Kids willing, you will have it tomorrow!

Night all, have a good one, sleep well, snuggle in and hey! Enjoy the evening!
I'm cold, my heat is not enough, so I'm going to go snuggle my snoring human heater so I can get warm hopefully! Let's hope he doesn't run me off b/c of my cold feet!


P.S. I added a nifty music player over on the side, click on it and enjoy some killer tunes! Killer? Yes b/c I have the very BEST eclectic taste you'll ever see!

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