Nearly there....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

If you want a certain outcome, choose the right flower

What’s that you say?
Well, if you want to play the “He loves me, he loves me not” game, then you should certainly choose the proper flower to receive the outcome you wish for. If you are hoping he does not, then you might go with a flower with an odd number of petals you know.
Me, obviously there’s no wishing to it, but I’d always pick a flower of even numbered petals of course. Not to mention I have a weird OCD issue with even numbers anyway, so regardless, I’d still get the same outcome. Perhaps a subconscious method to always be loved according to a flower? Who honestly knows, only if I’m paying attention when I pick up that flower.
Luckily I’ve not had to play that game in ages, nor had I since I was very young. You can obviously figure out it has nothing to do with love whatsoever. I am loved, however, very much. I am just lucky that way these days. Maybe it’s from so many years of NOT being that I am overwhelmed with it now. Lucky me, lucky me indeed!
So you long line of gals waiting for me to croak so you can have your spot in line… I’m going to live forever just to be a shit. Granted, all of you close enough to me to know what a great guy I’ve got, know me well enough that I am just that much of a shit. So properly called on many occasions!
What the hell is my point? Not much really. Just to show off my lovely lilies. Mike learned, in a very short time in our relationship that flowers as an apology will get him nowhere but a longer sentence in the dog house. I LOATHE what I call, “ass kissing flowers” with all my being. I always have. If there is anyone on this earth that thinks a $25 dozen flowers that will wilt and die in a matter of days is going to fix any issue at all in any form of relationship, you are in a state of serious denial. What I DO love though, are the “just because I thought of you when I saw these” or the “I heard you say once that you would love these” flowers. Those flowers are awesome. They are the very best kind indeed. Sure, there are the times that you might just want them on Valentine’s Day at the office because well, it sucks to be the only one with that empty corner on your desk. Granted, you can come into work the next day and brag on the candlelit bubble bath and chocolate covered strawberries and wild monkey lovin’ you got the night before. That’ll usually shut em up! Ha!
Anyway, I’ll share a photo now. These. These are my lovely lilies, the lilies I can see sitting in my fantastic kitchen window every morning first thing. Everyday, all throughout my day that remind me that he did listen that time, and he did think of me and he did fulfill that tiny little insignificant fantasy I had.

Since we’ve been here, I’ve already learned so much about the area and with that, I will try to share that knowledge with you. You can read on and close your eyes and try to imagine it for yourself, then…when you come to VISIT it will just make it all the more interesting to see for yourself, right?
Let’s hope!
In the traffic handbook, and/or driving class you might or might not read and take, you learn about lay by’s. Something I’ve found very nice about driving here is that they most definitely mean for you to take a rest if you need to. Whereas in Texas, at least, it always seemed that if you needed to pull off for a break, you had to drive for 200 miles for the next creepy rest area or gas station. God forbid you ever pull off on the side of the road for a few ZZZZ’s because you’d surely have some form of law enforcement tapping on your window wanting to know what the hell you are up to and trying to shove some spitbox in your mouth and make you walk a straight line. Which I could never do stone cold sober as it is, and NO for the record I have never once been pulled over for drinking and driving, nor given any form of field sobriety. I just know a lot of folks that have!

This is coming from someone who in the last few years has become one of those people who constantly gets very tired from driving. Used to I could drive for hours on end before I even needed a potty break, much less getting tired! Road trips were awesome! However, as the insomnia took over more regularly my ability to stay fully awake for the short drive from Abilene to Merkel was often rare. Which, of course, is very scary, especially with the cargo I often have in my vehicle. Here though, there are lay by’s every so many miles, I mean it is dizzying sometimes how many there are. The ways that they are utilized is more and more humorous and nice all at the same time. Have you ever seen a mobile barber? They have them here, they pull off on the lay by, so perhaps if you’ve been driving too long and also are looking a bit puffy headed, you can stop off for a rest and a cut. That definitely called for a 2nd look! I see him there all the time, just off the A-11 near Thetford.

There are also hot dog vendors, that truly freaks me out, but so do the food vendors on street corners in large cities. Best of all though, there are the flower vendors. Signs lead the way and give you plenty of notice that there are fresh cut flowers ahead for an extremely reasonable price. As you drive on by him, you see these enormous beautiful colorful bouquets of flowers that will make any woman smile.
One of the many times we drove by, and I made my point to vocalize the very obvious signage, I made the point of adding how neat it would be, for Mike to bring a new different bouquet home each week on the same day. I’d love to have a vase of fresh flowers on our kitchen table, and have a variety all the time.
How neat it would be now, how neat it would be to tell people that each week, he brings me a new bouquet of a new flower to put on the table on his way home from work. How neat would it be that he were STILL doing that when we were old and gray?
It’s something that I could see my grandparents doing, either set, if they’d have ever found an ounce of value in a bouquet of flowers that is. Now that we don’t have the mindset from the depression though, it’s okay for us to waste that bit of money.
So, one day, home from work he sends the boys rushing into the kitchen where I’m cooking dinner each with a bouquet of these giant gorgeous lilies straight from Holland. How neat is that? For a gal from West Texas? Pretty darn cool I must say. Fresh cut flowers straight over from Holland? Uh, yeah that’s pretty cool!
I think I need a larger vase though, I had to trim a LOT off of them to fit in there.
Aren’t they just gorgeous though? Isn’t HE just gorgeous too? For finally, actually taking a mental note and REMEMBERING it? (It IS Mike we’re talking about here).

He’s a sweet fella, what can I say? We’re raising some sweet little fellas too because they tell me, each on their own almost daily how pretty my flowers are and that they were just for me. So, honestly, I suppose if you were on your way to impress a lady, a lay by might be a good spot to stop in. Have a hotdog (okay perhaps skip that because I can only think of bad breath and spending the evening in the toilet) get a haircut and buy her lots of flowers. Showing up to a date with a fresh cut you and an arm load of fresh cut flowers? Big points guys, big points indeed!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Bob brought me a vase with flowers on it once and told me he intended to keep it filled with fresh flowers. The vase has sat at the bottom of my china cabinet for years, after a year of remaining empty on my desk. Well he meant well anyway. Enjoy the flowers, I loved them while I was there. They are much cheaper too!