Nearly there....

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Um, I'm adding the posts that I couldn't post while I Had no internet. So, while I am often Chatty Cathy lately, I'm not THAT bad today!
I think I have one or two more to add, but its getting kinda late and I would like some sleep.
SO, without further ado, I shall leave everyone with something I've been promising for awhile.


Yeah, I'll admit it finally, sometimes he really IS that sweet.
Come on now Mike, really really no relation to Bill Cosby??? Are you sure?
Uh oh, he's been wathing his big bro at work too much already...
Mike and the boys by a hut on Huntstanton Beach

Here is Kade trying to sport some 'tude in the backseat. 3 years old is way fun!

Cody at the beach. Tide is out!
Wouldn't you think their first trip to the beach would be wearing swimsuits and building sand castles? Only in a perfect world I guess. haha! We stayed for a whole 10 minutes MAYBE. It was cold as hell and windier than that and rainy too!
Kade and I digging up "clams" on the beach

Well, I hate to say, it's an ecclectic mix and short of many more I was going to add. I can't hold the lids open anymore. Can't hang like I used to, for which I'm glad by the way! I left Kade and Daddy cuddling and snoring. I would say I would go join them, but it only takes about half an hour of sleeping with Kade to realize there is no such thing.
So...instead I will go move Kade to his bed and snuggle with my Mikey.
Night all and back to finish the rest of my old posts, one very important one, and add more photos!
Love love!

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