Nearly there....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I wish I were a REAL crunchy granola bar is everyone doing in the post-voting euphoria? I have no comment about voting. I'm disappointed. Not about our President elect, but my voting issues. Very disappointed. Not as disappointed as I'd be if it had been Hilary though. Granted, I'd have been rallying and talking her up, sorry but she was the best candidate in my opinion and NO not because I'm a feminine feminist, THANK YOU. I do have more substance than that! Ah well. I have yet to understand though why so many, like basically EVERYONE I heard from said they were not overly happy with either candidate, so then WHY wasn't Hilary up there instead????
Maybe next time love...maybe next time, you just keep your chin up girl! haha
No seriously, I hope everyone was able to vote and do their part. I honestly don't have super strong feelings one way or the other. I'm too new to all of this. WHAT??? Yes, I am 30 years old and I'm new to it. I'm trying to sort of "grow up" if that is what you want to call it. Politics and me are not all that great of friends. Just not. I'm a damn hippie. I swear I'd grow my own food, make my own electricity and sew my own clothes if I knew how. haha! That would show the over sized companies a thing or two! Yeah? You want to live in your mansion and scoff at those less "fortunate" than you? While your overpriced utilities and oil puts people out of their homes? Yeah well I just won't buy it! Because MY measly little bill would hurt SO BAD! Well, it would make ME feel better anyway. ha!
If I weren't so lazy, I'd be all sorts of crunchy. Well... except for food. There are some processed foods I simply can't survive without. Namely...the heavenly process of reese's peanut butter cups and dr. pepper. I could live on it, I have lived on it. It is sorta healthy-ish. There's some dairy and some water and some protein and stuff....
Okay and my children would attend school and get medications at the dr. and I'd still own a car albeit a hybrid no doubt! :)
Anyway. That is just me on the inside, the outside me is just too damn lazy and otherwise invested in day to day life to put so much effort forth on the downing of big business and antibiotics in my milk and the slaughter of defenseless animals. I had a small stint as a vegetarian, but with all of my food allergies, it is just too limiting for me. So then I only ate white meat, which I still don't eat much in the way of red meat, but...then I think if you were to ever go and WORK cattle, you'd see how limitlessly STUPID they are and no matter how much you wanted to protect and cuddle them, their stupidity would piss you off so much you'd sit down and have a steak right there.
Seriously. They are SO DUMB it annoyed me enough to go out and EAT one of them. I'd leave smelling to high heaven and go order myself a big ol' steak. Regardless, as far as meat goes, chicken is my main staple and I really do NOT want to hear about the treatment of chickens and the conditions etc...
I will put my fingers in my ears and start off with an unending version of "Laaaalalalala- LALALALALALA-lalalalalalala!!!".
I can do it for days. I feind ignorance so I can EAT SOMETHING okay?!?!?!
NOw leave me alone. Oh...and your tofu is nasty. Your hummus has olive oil in it, which I can't eat and apparently I'm allergic to soy milk also, oh and seriously...granola???? Ick. I love finding that stuff out the hard way.
Weird pointless tangent anyone???? The kids are at school and I should be doing something else instead I sit here with too much time on my hands so that I may rant about things I really don't put forth the effort to do. I suppose this would be a good time to SHUT UP!


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