Nearly there....

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thumb Twiddlers

Wow I'm on again and I don't *think* I have a ton to say. ha!
Not yet anyway. Well, after another day spent house hunting, driving all over the country, bumping along on the worst road EVER, it would put Merkel roads to the test. After seeing yet another house that just simply didn't compare, we decided to go withour first choice. Prison or not, so long as they can't SEE us, which they can't, then I'm totally fine.
We've put in our application and are just waiting for word from the realtors if the landlord has accepted us and the conditions we offered. Then we'll have to go pay some poundage and wait for our move in date. There is a little bit of work for them to do, while it is a new house, it has been sitting for a bit so the gardner will be doing some work and putting up the backyard fence. We should be able to be in there within 2 weeks. That is just in time for our furniture to be here, so we will get to skip the whole mess with the temporary furniture in and out etc... they can just move our stuff in and be on their way.
I am pretty excited, but not too much because I have to wait until everything is squared away, but the thought of not having to house hunt, that is exciting in itself. The idea of being somewhere that we can feel settled, decorate and RELAX and make ours is just wonderful.

We met a realtor y'day that was awfully snooty about us bringing Sue over, it really irritated me. I am the only one that can be tacky about that dog thank you VERY much. She pretty much lost our business with those comments, it wasn't necessarily anything "rude" per se, but seriously, who on earth says non-chalantly, "oh you should just leave it there in the states while you are here." like its just a box of books or something. She's Mike's DOG, not some "thing" that you just dump off. It was a tone and I just didn't like it.

So, now we wait. Twiddling our thumbs, twiddling away... Of course we have to wait even longer around here because nothing opens until 9 here.

As a side note, the boys are doing much much better lately. I'm so thankful because man they were so rotten!!!

Oh.... I'll give a better update on the boys later. This laptop and I are about to have a little pow-wow.
Time for my little tantrum of the day!
NEVER again shall I spend one red CENT on an HP computer.

Phew. Okay.
At any rate, nothing funny or humorous or earth shattering to report right now. Just hopping in and hoping "out loud" on blogger that the application process flows smoothly here and we are finished house hunting.
We've got another good back up, but its a bit cramped, just outside, not inside. I feel a little claustrophobic in some of these neighborhoods.

Anyway, cross your fingers....

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