Nearly there....

Monday, August 11, 2008


I've actually got a decent signal this morning, so I'm going to toss up a few pics. Now, keep in mind that on this laptop, it has eaten half of my photoshop stuff, and will not let me calibrate the screen. SO, that said, I honestly have no freaking clue WHAT these photos look like! I'm just guessing and eyeballing it. So, if they are green or orange, I've not lost my touch...I am just trying to hang on to this thing till it croaks.
Mike called with word on our 2nd smaller shipment today and it is HERE. Well, while it might not be exciting for others, for me it could be. My desktop (my BABY) is in that shipment. However, if we have them bring that to our room here, we're responsible to get it to the house when we move out in a week and a half. Seeing as how we only have my car and its a half hour drive...I guess I can for once in my life just be patient and wait.
Its already going to take two trips just to get our LUGGAGE out there!
Man, it just can't get here fast enough!
Now some of these photos are taken on my big camera and some are on my little point and shoot. You can be the judge of which are which. ha!
ANyway, I was going to post some last night, but some people are just downright rude and WHINEY (yes I'm pointing at YOU silly man who didn't even wait 32 seconds before he began whining that there wasn't a spot available in the cyber cafe. JERK!). ** long story, I'll save my rant for my formal complaint.**

Also, this past weekend, we decided that since we had NO HOUSE HUNTING to do, we'd get out and see something. Kade and Cody chose the ocean. Probably because it was an hour and a half away vs. the forest which is just around the corner. ha! OH well, fine with me. So we drove. It was COLD and WET and WINDY. So we stayed about 10 minutes. We'd have made them suffer a bit longer, but since they are already sickly it was pretty crappy parenting to even let them go out there for the time we did. Alas, we did just that though. Their first time to see and be on a beach. Last year driving by the BROWN nasty and somewhat dangerous stretch of beach on Galveston Island during Tropical Storm Dean doesn't really count.
I do have a few photos from that, but not in this batch. Their still on the camera, which I couldn't dump b/c of aforementined JERK.

So, I realize...I'm just so not good at not having someone regular to talk to. I mean sure Mike is here...but he's doing the same thing I am, so there's really no need to talk to him about the other things that people talk about. So - be warned. I'm yappy lately. Spastic yappy no less.

Okay, here's yer photos....

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