Nearly there....

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nasty? I think not!

Some may think it's insane to have photos of mud-crusted fingers and bugs. Me, I think it's pretty much the norm around here. The boys were playing in the dirt, as they should, and were ecstatic to find a "calla-petter". That is, they were ecstatic once I confirmed it was not, in fact, poisonous.
No, I can't bring myself to correct one of the last few mispronunciations of theirs. Go figure, I spoke to my babies like babies and not 30 year olds and they still drop all their kid-speak way too soon if you ask me.
What a terrible Mommy I am for letting them go around saying things like "callapetter" and "fisk-it" and "bonina".
Callapetter is about all I have left, the last remnant beyond some loose teeth and awkward growth spurts.

(Says the Mom who threw out bottles at 10 months old and had a party about it! hehe)

I was definitely meant to have little boys. There is never any question about that. :) I can't wait to have our OWN dirt to dig up to their hearts content. Gardens to plant, trees to grow, tree-houses to build. Our very own dirt track for hot wheels that can stay there for years.
We are all ready for that.

That is official. Mike's retirement has been approved and we are done. Done with the military. Done with living overseas (most likely, at least for now anyway). Done. We will be heading back to the states early in the spring. To Texas? Can't really say for sure. No matter where it is, we'll be a lot closer so we can't complain about that now can we? So long as we can get there in a car or take advantage of some of those cheap state to state flights....I think we have nothing to complain about. ;)
Am I happy? Yes and no. I won't even sugar coat it.  ;)
I am happy to be nearer our family. I am happy to get some completely self-indulgent conveniences back. I'm happy about the opportunity to take my boys to do some things we always talked about. I'm happy at the idea of getting to buy our own home, to make it OURS. I am definitely happy to get OUT of this limbo HELL we are currently in. Hi, I am Miss All or Nothing, remember?
I am, however, VERY sad to leave England. I am the freak that LOVES the weather here. I love the area, the people, the history, the beauty. I'm still in awe of this weird early dark stuff even, still fascinated by it when I think I'm supposed to HATE it already? I am sad that we were just not in the position to get to visit all the grand places we'd imagined upon arriving here. I am sad that the likelihood of those trips are again further away than closer. I am sad to leave the great friends we've made here. Mostly, it is all the things I did not get to see yet, there are just too many things to see and do here. It is somewhat overwhelming really, sometimes we end up doing stuff we've done previously just because we could not decide what new to do.
I might mention one more time...I'm SAD to leave this climate.
I found it humorous that when we walked out of the airport in Abilene, I had do some short breaths just to get used to the dust in the air. I could smell it everywhere, which was unexpected. It felt so heavy and dirty! Mike kept giving me goofy looks the whole time we were there and I mentioned it repeatedly. I was just shocked by it, I guess.
So when we landed back here at Heathrow, walked out of the airport in the middle of London. Where there are buses, taxis, airplanes and cars out the wazoo.... we all collectively, w/out thinking, sucked in a HUGE breath and sighed really big.
Even in the midst of smog and city filth...we still involuntarily took a huge breath as though we had not had one in a month. Funny indeed. :)

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