Nearly there....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hi. My Name is Dull

Pretty sure I should just have it legally changed. *YAWN* at my own self.
I just skimmed through here. Though I did stop blogging for awhile, though for a reason, still..... can I be a little more *borrrrrrriiiiingggg????*.
I should probably get some stuff caught up on here before I go judging myself. Although...I'm feeling like I should go bungee jump off Big Ben or something to push it a little more.

I have been off of facebook for 9 days now and my randomness is really starting to have a panic attack. Can you tell? hahaha. I was technically allowed to log in on Sunday but I did not. Mostly b/c I was too lazy to get off my ass and find the password I'd hidden. I wasn't having withdrawal at all either ya know. LOL.
I did log in for a few minutes last night, so that I could fix the errors with my blog feeds. ONLY to find out that they apparently found out what *I* was doing and now they will no longer allow blog feeds to post through facebook automatically starting on the 22nd. Bastards.
Seriously. See what seems to happen EVERY time I try to make a big change? Oh well....if anyone wants to keep up with me and my wicked awesome exciting better follow me all by yourself then.
At any rate. I didn't go into groups, I didn't do messages or anything else. I fixed my issue and logged back out. Only to find Chrome saved my freakin pw. So yet another catch 22 here. For the last couple of weeks my blogs WILL feed through during my hiatus....if I change my PW so I don't know what it is, my browser automatically puts it in b/c on average I'm too lazy to keep up with PW's. If I change it again and hide it....yep, blogs won't feed through. I may have gotten it off of there, but most likely it's still there.
So now it's left up to my stellar will power. Which is pretty stellar sometimes.

I'm just finding myself getting a little socially bored. Whilst trying to force myself to have x number of things DONE prior to making any plans with friends etc.... I'm probably shooting myself in the foot now b/c I'm getting bored. Therefore, finding other avenues to waste valuable time.
So, of course I will be staying off FB as planned. It's really not that hard either, kind of like quitting smoking, reese's cups and dr. pepper. It's a lot worse in your mind than in reality. LOL
I just need to once again, reassess further.

Until then, I should probably take my kids to school.
Expect some photos later. ;)

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