Nearly there....

Monday, November 2, 2009


Yes Happy (belated) Halloween all!
Hi, I'm Aimee and I'm the world's crappiest blogger. Okay so I still hate sitting at the computer. I'm trying!!! Really I am.
This year the boys picked their own costumes, much to my dismay. Nah, not really it could have been WAY worse for sure! Just leave it to Cody to go out in left field, but he was insistent on his and I really don't know WHERE it came from either! Gotta love it!
Kade was dead-set on being Woody. I've been DYING for us all to dress up like Toy Story characters for ages! So I thought this HAD to be there year! Alas, Cody wanted to be Spiderman. Uh...???? Only b/c we don't really watch Spiderman, we don't have many spiderman toys and honestly...they've just not given much thought to spiderman ever. I asked him numerous times though and he still insisted that is what he wanted. Never in a million years did I think he'd wear a mask, nor did I ask him or mention it, but out of the blue he went on in great detail how he'd wear a mask and again, I am lost on where all of this came from. At any rate, I ordered his costume...spiderman. Mask included.
Kade, had to be Woody. I asked if he just wanted to be a cowboy or if it was specific to Woody the cowboy. It was WOODY the cowboy and nothing else. Well...maybe I'm mean but I could NOT bring myself to buy that costume. If I could've found the set w/ just the shirt and hat etc... (in time b/c I did later) then fine. However the little jumpsuit thing was just WAY too cheap/froofy for me. I couldn't do it. So last minute miracle mom here, found a rockin cowboy costume in Cambridge! Yeah those are oddly hard to come by in England...wonder why? ha!
Anyway, he was overjoyed with it, while it wasn't ACTUALLY Woody, it was a cowboy and he was Woody damn it. He loved it.
To top it off, their lame parents dressed up too! Yep, MIKE got himself a costume as well. Shocked aren't you? I am!
So we were, Mike the Daddy Cowboy, Woody, Spiderman and Mom the Witch. Yeah I know shocker to some of you eh? ;) ha! Someday my dream of dressing up like Wonder Woman WILL come true! One of these days....
Anyway, the weather was MUCH nicer this year thank Goodness! We nearly froze our fake Incredibles muscles off last year! We met up with friends at the base and all went together. We had a kangaroo, 2 Spidermans(men?), 1 ladybug and 1 Woody. Quite a group!
It was pretty nerve wracking though, I guess we started so early last year we really missed the crowd, I had not realized that the base opened up and let locals on as well. So it was a mad-house by the time we all got over there! Cody had tried to change his mind and not wear his costume, but we coaxed him into it, everything but the mask (imagine that) I'm so glad he didn't wear it though, b/c it turned out his crazy signature Cody hair helped me keep track of him in the midst of candy chaos!
They did really well though and I can't believe how BIG they are still sometimes! They had a blast! I also love that they are young enough that just going to a few houses is more than satisfying for them!
I only took my small camera this year, which is fine anyway b/c it's not like I could get artistic shots in that mess anyway. My lens is STILL in the shop and I am about to flip b/c of it! I bought a replacement finally and got it here and was thrilled! I actually got it on Halloween to boot. Stuck it on my camera and "ERR99" pops up. Which in the world of a canon that's bad news. So...yeah all this time mine was supposed to be ready WEEKS ago, and I called again to find they didn't even have the PART in yet (I took it in sometime in AUGUST) and then to buy another that was similar but nowhere near as good and it not work! I'm going nuts here!!!
So, here's just a couple of snaps of them twick-oh-tweating. (That's Cody speak by the way, I just loooooooooooove the lack or "R" to be honest. Freakin precious!).

Here are all the kiddos lined up outside the bowling alley. Can I just mention that the only child younger than Cody is our little ladybug? Yeah...he's a MOOSE!

Here's Co and his good friend Tyler (who's wearing a vintage Kade costume :) ) just before we went out for candy. :) They are just a few days apart in age and soooo cute together!

 The first I mean house we stopped at! I just always feel so proud to hear them say it all by themselves and then finish with a big cute little kid voiced "THANK YOU!!!".

And here's the whole fam. My tights were supposed to be purple, but they were out, so then I asked for green. I think I looked like a bumble bee in a witch hat. Oh well... they were pretty reflective, so I mean in the name of safety I guess I could make a sacrifice or two. ;)

Co really was having a better time than it appears. I guess he just has that expression b/c we made him pause for a photo....

Here is Kade and our friend McKinley, he never leaves her side when she's around, she's a doll! :)

Cody and Riley the bestest Spidermen(mans) ever! :)

 Kade and Tyler - I just love this pic!

And the "buddy-system" in full force! I found us kind of humorous, and there were all those silly (really damn smart) people with wagons and what not! HA!

Anyhoo....there you have it! Proof that we get dressed up in crazy costumes and pretend its Halloween and knock on people's door begging for candy in the middle of June.
Cody's asked me about 9,038,288 times to go trick or treating again... is it next year yet???

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