Nearly there....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

six years ago today...

Six years ago, on this very day...I married my best friend. I can still remember the day itself so vividly. My sister (bless her poor soul, what a trooper!) running around with me like crazy trying to get last minute things and getting our hair done and I can even remember that fateful trip to Fazoli's. Oy, word from the wise girls, don't eat lasagne on your wedding day! Too many carbs, took an army to cinch me into that dress!!!
I am to this day so very thankful for ALL the people that pitched in SO much help for our wedding. Everyone, I think of it and I think of all the weddings I have shot now and really, we were so very blessed to have so many folks help out doing so many things. I knew it then and I still have not forgotten!

I remember being a ball of nerves. Not for marrying my sweet husband, but I think because of all the people that were there. So many people came, I was really blown away. So many folks came out to wish us well, to share in our special day...people we'd not seen in years, people that drove a LONG way, people we'd just seen the night before. So many people were there to support us and see this wonderful thing take place. I was, in itself, surprised that many people came at all for the weather was SO nasty that night and the church was such a long drive for most. It really meant so much to both of us though. It still contributed to my nerves though!
Who knows why I can stand in a crowd and talk to 100 people and not once think twice about it, but man...put me in a dress in an aisle with 200 people staring at me...YIKES!!!! I'm still astounded I did not fall. No really...

At the other end of that aisle though, was the most beautiful smile in the world. What I thought never existed in this world, what I thought people only wrote songs about or love stories or sappy movies. How wrong I was though, because here I was, walking toward him. There he was, waiting for me to get there. He took my hand, and I held his tight...

The rest of it all just floated away. We were getting married. Finally. This amazing person, was actually saying these vows? To me?? Why yes, yes he was. Nothing else mattered anymore, we were getting married and life was for us, just about us and what we had.
What we had and still to this day have, is something that I honestly am sad to say I think very few people get in their lives. I knew it then. I still do.

Our life together has, no doubt, been a whirlwind! For thinking we had it all planned out and under control, boy were we EVER wrong! It's certainly one of those moments when life laughs its ass off at you and says, "oh yeah ya think??? well how 'bout THIS then...???".
Regardless of anything and everything, we've gone through it ups and downs together. I mean think of it if you will, however your own relationships have gone, we've seriously had big thing after big thing after big thing the entire time we've been together. I sit and wonder now, what it could possibly be next? In all honesty, it kind of feels like things should calm now, the boys are getting older and don't need so much coddling, we're here for another 3 years so we KNOW we're not moving for a bit, I can't get pregnant anymore, unless I really AM that much of a freak of nature. So...I almost feel like I'm sitting around with a baseball glove just waiting to catch the next thing. Good or bad, I'm always ready. :)

Just four short months after our wedding day, we got pregnant with Kade, then just after he turned one, the BIG shocker, Mr. Uh-Oh Cody! So then that would be precisely 22 months to the day later, we had two kids! Holy crap! We sold our house, moved to Merkel, opened and closed a studio, Mike studied and gained two more ranks, we had another enormous shocker regarding pregnancy that really took its toll and then my surgery and then when we all thought FINALLY, things will calm down now...we moved to England.
Suffice it to say, I'm a bit hesitant to relax very much!

Through it all though, through all the ups and downs that any marriage has, although I think we've had far more ups and hardly any downs, we've stood by each other and supported one another through every single thing. Whether it was a nudge to follow a dream or a shoulder to lean on when things got too heavy. We've been together, there for each other. That's what it's all about anyway. So how could we have possibly gone wrong? We didn't, not at all.
Now, it's no secret that I'm a looney and firmly believe in fate, and karma and all that jazz. The timelines, the stories we told each other, the numerous times we could have met prior, the ways we could have almost not met, or not ended up together are so crazy, there is such a fine line...we both can only say it was truly fate that brought us together.
(if not two grandpa's upstairs in their coveralls manipulating things just a little...;o) ).

We are truly, truly blessed with two gorgeous, precious, intelligent, HEALTHY little boys. With friends and family abound that love us to pieces and are always there for us. We're living an opportunity that many only daydream about here in Europe. We have food in our bellies (maybe too much sometimes... ;) ) and our health. We've got each other everyday (for the most part) and that's all anyone really needs in life.
If I could wish something for everyone, I don't think I'd ask for World Peace (haha) I think instead I would ask, that everyone gets to have what Mike and I have, and that they can SEE it when they have it. I'm so thankful that WE see it and have always seen it from our very first date.

I am in the mood to be thankful for so much and what started all that I have to be thankful my husband. Of course, I am thankful for loving myself enough and being strong enough to get to where I was to meet him, but beyond that (while it's certainly ENORMOUS) he is who I must thank. He's loved me like no one in this world ever could. He's been patient with me, he's understood me and most of all...he's accepted me with all my eccentricities. That in itself, tells me but one thing...he really does love ME. He can laugh at the dumb things I do, and when I am so angry at myself for flaking on something or forgetting something...he can make me laugh at myself too. I love that about him more than he probably knows. I love that he's always called me a fruit-cake, b/c it's an endearing term, that just tells me he really loves how off the wall I can be sometimes.

He's helped me to become more of the person I was striving to be, and still am. He's given me something I literally NEVER thought I'd have in my life, and that is two little boys who think their Mommy and Daddy hung the moon.

He is the hand that I hold, and that really says so very much more than anyone can ever likely know. There is nothing and no one that could ever come between us, of that I have no doubt. It is hard to say, and perhaps silly of me in many ways, but I think that people really know when they love and are loved REALLY REALLY to the core. I know that we do, each of us, no matter what fortune or fault. That is why, on this date, six short/long years ago...something fabulous happened because two people that really, really meant it, said their vows from the very depth of their souls.
He is, the only person, I've ever been able to picture myself old with. Ever, ever. I've never been able to picture myself old (and we'll be honest here, I don't think it's gonna be all that graceful for me) but I can see us, gray okay I'll probably still be coloring but anyway. I can see us older, we'll say that because seriously I'm vain enough I'm sure I'll have my own suite at the plastic surgeons all in good time, and together. Still holding hands and laughing. That is what I see in our future, together and holding hands full of laughter. Now, it may well be us walking off to the funny farm together...but hey, we're still together. ;)

So to my husband, I love you...till my last breath to the very bottom of my soul. I still fall more in love with you each year, each month, each day.

(good gosh do I miss that figure though! *sigh*) hehe

See? I'll always be dorky with you! 8o)

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