Nearly there....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

i actually won??

so as is my USUAL fashion. way late... i've been meaning to share my insanity here, yet again. always late.
at any rate, something i RARELY ever do and that is to enter any contest, certainly not one to enter any photo contests. why? no reason really beyond i actually really don't care if others think my photos are great or not. this was different anyway, it was more of an assignment type contest, where i had to shoot something specific for it. so again, something difficult for me to do and have done on TIME. yep there's the raw truth of it all.
however i was determined to at least ENTER for ONCE. it was a killer prize and while i did not hold my hopes very high, as people get CRAZY for these particular prizes, i thought for once...i should actually enter and not win, than not winning for not even trying. much as mike made fun of me. the greatest thing was telling him that, i had in fact, won with my fruitcake idea. that was the sweetest prize of all.
but...the rest of it didn't a bit at all!!!!
i'm not sure if the link will work, i'm gonna try it though, we'll see.
here it is and my prize winning, absolutely dis-GUSTING toast! i had to hold the boys back from eating it! it was 100% sandwich condiments too.


so, i never win anything like EVER! i don't enter much who knows? might just be the start of something!

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