Nearly there....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

well what'dya know???

i just thought i was going to be cool. it was 5:30 PM. my boys were up late last night, up early this morning and SO tired by 11AM --- but the SUN came out! it warmed up! they've been cooped up for two whole days meaning they were beyond destructive and obnoxious. i turned them outside and told them naps were off today. they even played pretty damn well together today.
i knew, however, that co wouldn't make it much longer, so i was trying to cook up a quick dinner. i was trying to keep them outside b/c again i know him well (since he's mine and all) and if he came in, he'd sit in the big chair and pass out. well... wouldn't ya know it, it cooled off a LOT suddenly so i had to usher them inside. tried everything but to no avail. by 5:30 PM cody was pass smooth the hell out. which might horrify some folks, but...he actually will sleep all night, he'll just be up with the sun, which if you are not aware comes up at completely unnatural times here this time of year. kade wasn't far behind him and neither of them would budge. no matter how much i tickled, sang at the top of my lungs as terribly as possible (which isn't hard for me), banged things around...they weren't acknowledging my lame attempts. no matter how much i tried to find my inner Poppy (my grandfather could NOT stand for ANYONE to be asleep still if he was awake and he could get pretty darn creative, trust me..).
well, i gave up the fight and carried them up to bed. mike came home from work and we sat eating our warm meal quietly, it was an odd thing really. both looking around unsure of this strange place where no one is hanging off their chair by their toes gurgling milk, no one is screaming it's too hot, too cold, don't want it, don't love it, want more.... it was just not right. so we ate quickly, wide-eyed unsure of our surroundings of this bizarro world. finally relaxing a bit, i mosied on upstairs to the office to blog b/c hey when is a better time?
yeah apparently the "tickety-tick" of my typing is a better alarm clock than anything else i could imagine. go figure.
so this will bite me in the ass even worse b/c they both did not wake up. just kade. the natural night owl. sooooo.....we can pretty much bet he'll be up until 1 or 2 am and cody will wake up at 3 or 4. bet me money.
damn it.

i bet you still think i forgot that video from mike's promotion ceremony. nope! i finally gave in and am going youtube. it is in the process of loading and it has 20 more minutes to go.

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