Nearly there....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

can shorts be considered high waters?

SANY1764, originally uploaded by off the*deep*end.

i'm really trying to find kade some shorts that are more...his size. ha! yes. these are last years shorts, which are in the form of a 4T and well.... he's gone up 2 sizes.
and btw. i didn't just buy co new clothes and not kade although it seems to look that way. the only decent brown shoes for shorts were almost too small for co. kade had to match black chucks ;) otherwise he's got matching shorts. but...somehow i bet you knew that!
clothes? well...i have yet to find much i like here. not to mention we do get paid in USD and converting USD to GBP blows.
i've noticed and asked around b/c i thought it might just be me...that old navy sucks worse and worse each year. so i've been trying to spend $150 and when it takes me 2 hours and adding in gap just to make $100, i think it's a pretty fair assessment that old navy is sucking it up lately. used to it took me all of 3.2 seconds to have $500 in my cart.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Go to Children's Place on line. Kohls too lots of sales, always. The boys are getting so big and handsome!