Nearly there....

Thursday, May 28, 2009

what happened here?

well, i'm aware i've been slacking on blogging. i went back to see if i'd posted a couple of photos and with that, i sorta went back further. yikes! good blogger gone bad i guess! whoops!
so, while i was aware i was a slacker, like i am so good at, i guess i didn't realize HOW bad! only a few posts back seems like SO long ago!
no wonder i stay in trouble for it!!!

okay. okay...
i'm on it!

today, well today is one of those fab wonky england days. the forecast SAYS a high of SEVENTY, yeah dream on. ain't gonna happen sister. the one day we have a killer high, rain. the days the sun will be out? yeah...not so warm. go figure.
so the clouds take over and its pretty chilly, then the sun comes out for 43 seconds and its really warm, then the clouds come back again. the boys and i keep egging the sun on to come out and win, but it's not happening today.
so we'll just cross our fingers for the weekend at least. i'm thinking, that if the sun DOES win, a picnic might be fun.

and if it just don't beat all (man i love that grammar) now my computer that has my work programs on it is in the pits AGAIN. so i can do pretty much NOTHING on it...again. i can't even get on the internet really. i am so so sick of all of this computer mess it's just well, for lack of better words, SICKENING!
so if you are wondering, yes i was gifted an extremely generous gift of a new computer for my birthday...however, windows leads you to believe that it is simple to use XP programs on a vista, or as simple as downloading updates or patches. its very very untrue. so for all this time this brand new computer has only been used for internet and basic things, while any photo editing had to be done on my old one, which means... it takes an insane amount of time to do ANYTHING on it. curses.
so, at least for that i am excused, right?? probably not, but i can hope. someday maybe i'll be rich enough to hire my own in-house computer geek to fix all the stuff i'm too illiterate to figure out.
i think tonight i am going to pull out all of my patience, wherever it has hidden, and try to figure out how to get these programs loaded on here and functioning. i'm sure it can be done, i just rarely have the patience to figure it out or the patience to keep my temper under control when all i really want to do is go off and beat the living crap out of the person that wrote up vista and with that...decided that all us hard working perfectly content with XP folks didn't need to be able to even BUY a computer with XP still. i wonder if there's not some huge conspiracy here with apple. get rid of xp, write a horrid program like vista that everyone hates so we'll all just go off and buy a mac. leaving the rest of us w/out immense reserves of spare cash lying around in the dust. thanks.
i wish i could at least write a note to said person. send a telegram. something.
dumb ass.
at any rate, i am going to get this working if its the last thing i do!!!!!

on that note, i've once again been invaded so must usher the shortlings outdoors again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well at your end of the world. Hot here of course. Granny is doing pretty good. We have to go to the dr june 10th. She doesnt have a anuyrism (?) but possible blocked above her ear. Might give her a call. Kiss the boys for me and take care.

love ya,