Nearly there....

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Things They Say

Kade is finally - FINALLY - at that stage I've been dying for him to get to. He comes up with the cutest stories. He says the neatest stuff and with that, little brother follows suit. So while I do need to share with everyone who cares to know it, I need to document it as well because I am always so afraid of forgetting these moments.

So, just a short run of things they've said lately that pulled at my haggard old heartstrings.

Cody copies many things his brother says, as most younger siblings do. In the car the other day Mike called him a Copy Cat.
Kade pipes in, not knowing exactly who that was directed at.
"I'm not a Coffee Cat!!!"
We told him we were not talking to him.
Cody says, "I'm not a Kippy Cat!!!!!"
Little ears hear things so adorably!

Kade told me that his favorite aminal (yes I spelled that right) is a horse. That's my boy! However, when he grows up he wants to be a Dog Doctor. Not a cat doctor, not a pig doctor, JUST a Dog Doctor.

I actually do have more, but must come back as I've looked at the clock...

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