Nearly there....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is It Summer YET????

Oh my. I've NEVER been more ready for summer in my LIFE! More than likely just because I know that it will doubtfully ever get very near the 100F mark here. I loathe that in summer in Texas, but you know... in Texas, you've got a break all the time with the cold. I guess we're in that part of winter that everyone was dreading so much, they could hardly bear telling us about it. It's staying light later, so that is helpful. However, it has done nothing but rain, sleet, snow and slush for DAYS now! It's ruined plans of mine b/c I'm frankly too damn lazy to get all worked up driving around in mess when I don't HAVE to and well...I'm frozen to the bone and really wish I had a pull out sofa bed because I'd have an all night fire, the doors closed to the living room and all of us cuddled up around the fire.
I think years of growing up with that as the only heat source, it is just the only way to be warm in my mind I guess. I keep typing of this as I'm shivering. I'd probably be blogging more if I'd move my computer back downstairs or would quit messing around and get the laptop repaired. (Although I'm almost betting I could just buy us a mini laptop for about the same cost as fixing it and be just fine).

At any rate. I'm up late because I'm car shopping. Yep. We're down to one car again. Mike had a little bit of an accident the other day. His car and a parked car had a bit of a scuffle and they both came out worse for the wear. Mike was very angry at himself and you know, brooded and huffed like men do. I have to say as bitchy as I am about many things, I've never cared one bit about damage to vehicles. Why? It's just a car. Now...I will say that if I were cruising around in my pearl black 1967 ragtop Camaro and someone hit me, I'd probably be a bit put off. I doubt that would ever happen though if I did own that dream car of mine because how could anyone NOT notice that???? Now, if it were unfixable. I'd be livid. However, we're talking two cars that were drive to work and park them cars. Cheap. Nothing special.
So. I mean....we (OBVIOUSLY) have insurance. The other guy is taken care of and well, who gives a damn about anything else?
My husband was totally unharmed. It was in a parking lot. It was not on one of the dark icy mornings that he's driving in mad traffic down winding narrow pitch black deer infested roads at however many mph. My kids were safe and sound at home in bed with me. He was safe and sound, albeit really pissed at himself, at work. Who gives a damn about that CAR??????
So, of course, as with many cars such as this. It'd cost more to fix it and too much trouble when we'll just sell what's left and buy another one. obsessive nature and myself are shopping for a new one. Truth be told, I wanted him to get another one. We were desperate when we got that one and I think I didn't like it as soon as we drove off with it, but too late then. He needed a different one anyway. I've been bugging him, I guess I'm more powerful than I think and am still getting what I want. A different car for Mikey. One that WARMS up faster than 2 minutes before he pulls up at work. One that we don't have to keep gluing the panel liner back on or whatever else weird quirky things it had going on. that I've seen what happened to that car coasting in a parking lot, I think we might pass on owning anymore French cars in the future as well. I was less than impressed with that.
Yes. I took a picture of it. On top of just having something to talk about. It's so damn funny...I couldn't pass it up.
For whatever reason though, this is one of those rare occasions that you can see, I mean actually KNOW that I am nice after all. Nicer, even, than a lot of folks. I just keep that in the closet. See, if it were ME that had this particular accident. I promise, I'd NEVER live it down. I'd hear about it for months on end solid, and then randomly until I could no longer hear.
Have I even made fun of him ONCE???? I don't think so. I Mean, I think I laughed when he described it to me initially, but...other than that.
I've just been nice. I can only imagine all the funny to him things that would torment me for years to come though, had it been me. I just need to document this and add it to my archives for later use. :)

Tonight upon reading a bedtime story to the boys. Kade informed me that I was like his pig and Daddy was more like a horse. Um, it was a story about a barnyard mind you.
However. Let us analyze this. Basically.
"Mom, you are a squealy fat hog and Dad is a stud."
That's what my woman ears heard in a nutshell.
He's lucky he's 4 and thought that he meant well. (It was a mama pig feeding her baby pigs, so I HOPE that is what he was getting at. I was like his pig in the book.)
He couldn't pick the cute fuzzy bunny or the goat even. Nope. I'm a sow and Daddy is a stud. Glad this particular night I did story time solo. haha

I wish I'd have had some video yet again. Kade now insists on reading US a bedtime story too. So he listens to the one he picks and the one Cody picks and then he gives us his own rendition of the one he chose. It is often pretty humorous. Tonight we read, "Guess How Much I Love You." It is nice in thought but seriously... how many times do they expect a tired stressed ready for your kids to just go to sleep already parent to say the words, "NUTBROWN HARE". Seriously. What the hell are you people thinking? Yes. I hide books that get on my nerves or are too much work to read at bedtime. Let's keep it simple okay? For real.
Kade didn't understand that Hare was the rabbit. So, him telling the story back using words he remembered me saying and the pictures, it got funnier and funnier moment by moment.

Cody is still so obsessed with the moon. So...I try to go out of my way to find books for bedtime that have NO PHOTOS OF THE MOON. I adore the fact that he LOVES the moon so much that he's claimed at his very own already at the age of 2. "That's MY moon Mommy! See it? Cody Moon." Well, I can hardly describe it but we'll say if there is one single shadow of something resembling a moon in a book. You cannot read it, but are not allowed to fake out, skimp through or any other nifty just get it over with bedtime story tricks some of us may try. All you will hear, is a Fantasy Island version of, "The Moon! THE MOON THE MOON THE MOON!!! MOMMY!!! WOOK! WOOK! WOOK!!! THE MOON MOMMY! SEE IT KADE??? THE MOON!"
Then you must acknowledge the fact 23 times to make sure that you DID indeed see that entire page of a moon illustration. It's so sweet but so annoying all at once.
Mean Mom.
I hide moon books.
Now, consider this. Any IDEA how many children's books don't contain ANYTHING that might otherwise be substituted for a Moon? Yeah. Well keep track from now on.

I know.
I should share some photos.
I'm not though.
I'm going to bed.
Or....I'm going to go downstairs, make a pallet on the floor and build myself another roaring fire for my short nap I'll call sleeping.

Mike said I get the kid night off tomorrow. So if I'm not off picking up my new/used exercise equipment, I can spend some time blogging some photos. :)

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