Nearly there....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Good-Bye Mr. Bush

Well, I'm not really going all on or off about politics b/c that would be idiotic of me. I'm not, like my friend Nicole, tattooing a photo of Obama on my rear end. Okay she's not...yet anyway, but I'm not that passionate at all about it.
However, I will say that for awhile I was a fan of Mr. Bush, but can I be anymore? So with this...I bid you farewell kind sir.
It was....familiar I guess I can say. Sort of like a deja vu?
At any rate, I figure a good long vacation on that big fancy ranch in Texas with that big fat bank account will do a body and soul good.
Hey! How many of my friends, friends of friends, loved ones etc... etc... have lost their job, their home or had to go on government assistance just to keep from starving? Right.
Yes, please Mr. Bush and well hell, let us add in the other people who I'm loathing at the moment...MR. and MRS. OIL TYCOONS, please enjoy your luxuries while the rest of us flippin starve (and no flipping is not the word I wanted, but I will censor myself). I AM passionate about this.
Love how people like to GIVE BACK. Ever notice how it is that the people who seem to have the least are the ones that give the most???? I've noticed it.
I shall not go off on a tangent though. NOpe.
I just get sick over all I'm seeing everyone go through. Don't think we're not affected though, please don't. We are, just as much...the only thing we've got securing us is Mike's choice of career many years ago. Good one on ya honey! I can't imagine some of the uncertainties so many of my people are going through. It affects my business too b/c don't we all know how much of a luxury photos are. *smart ass smirk* So we all have to cut back, live lighter and try harder.
I agree it is good for us sometimes.
I agree that MANY MANY of us got ourselves into this mess. Greed.
I agree, that DUH if you only make $40k a year, you really ought to get the drift that you cannot, in fact, afford to buy a $275k home with no money down. DUH. Stupid. DUH. Many should've used their BRAIN. Just because the bank will GIVE it, doesn't mean you should TAKE it. Just as...Mr. and Mrs. Greedy Bank Tycoons sit around over a cocktail with Mr. and Mrs. Oil Tycoon and Mr. and Mrs. Greedy Politicians laughing at all the poor peasants eating bread and water.
Well, ya know what? Perservere! Perservere damn it! Good news is...WE CAN LIVE ON BREAD AND WATER! We might even thrive on it! What do you think THOSE people would do in many of our shoes right now though?
Yeah, let us see how far they'd get. Wouldn't it be neat and nifty to have a little button to just give those folks a reality check whenever we deemed it necessary. New law. Anyone with $XXX in their bankroll, has to be open to a middle or lower "class" person's reality check whenever we see it fit. Yep. I think it would do the WORLD some good.

At any rate. I should ask this of Mr. Obama. Once the really really important stuff is underway. Ya know, war stopping, recession ending, history making etc... etc....
can the military have a raise please????
Hey it's worth a shot right?
Oh hell, while I'm at it. Even as much as I really dislike taking them, I could do up some MEAN family portraits! I mean...seriously. Really. Seriously.
Well, lucky for me, people still experience milestones and still love to have photos. Phew! Things might slow down, but I'll always be here, camera ready. They always pick back up again. :)

At any rate, a historical day is upon us. Sleep well all, look forward to new beginnings. Let's hope that he IS the right medicine for this sick, sick economy (among other things) and that he can right some of the wrongs, fix some messes and move us forward instead of us always seeming to go backward and further in the hole.

Welcome new Mr. President. Welcome.

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