Nearly there....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Yep, I'm still around. Sort of... Here I am being zapped out after the kids are tucked away for the night again. I think maybe Mike and I will get some board (bored?) games or something because apparently reading or watching TV makes us sleepy and it's far too quiet when the rug rats are snoozing.
I'm sure it's just all of us still trying to get re-adjusted after our visit! :) Oh yeah... I know, I know, I KNOW. "Where are the pictures????".
Well, didn't you see??? I'm TIRED! ha! We had a lovely visit and sadly there is just WAY too much England to show to get it all shown in that amount of time! I'm sure WE won't get to see all that we want to in our time here! However, we did get to see some nice and VERY neat stuff while Steph and Shannon were here. Things we had not, ourselves, yet gone to see. So that was neat. As much as I LOATHE crowds and/or crowded locations, it was alright. I swear, I don't think I'm THAT much of a country girl, but seriously...the days that *I* Queen Aimee want to go shopping or sight-seeing, can everyone ELSE stay home??? Please? It'd be a lot more enjoyable for me.
I'm not a major germ-o-phobe, but just a little bit I guess. So the thought of riding on a crowded train is bad enough, but when the subway (otherwise known as the tube here) car slid up in front of us, I think I puked in my mouth just a little bit. It wasn't as bad as I thought I guess. Only once did I start to have a germ anxiety attack and that was when some guy stood near me hacking up his lungs and complaining about his throat killing him. I thought of swine flu and promptly pushed Mike, who was holding Cody to the other side and tried to germ block with my body. Dude was lucky I didn't have a big can of lysol in my bag... seriously. Damn camera takes up too much room!
At any rate, we got to visit London and Norwich (my fave to this day) and a castle priory and hang out around here, and the base, and all in all, lots of stuff packed into just a few days. The boys LOVED having Aunt SteFFF-inny and Gwanny here for certain!
After they left, at the ungodly hour they had to leave at, I tried to get the boys back to sleep, but it only worked for a short time. Damn. Then we went upstairs to the guest rooms and Kade walks in the one Shannon was in and says, "Yep...Granny's not here." and then mosies over to the one Steph was in and says, "Yeah...... Aunt Steppp-inny is gone to Texas too."
Somehow, that was that. Why is it that when I am expecting the worst, they take things the best? Like...the flight over here for instance? Maybe I should be more pessimistic about my kids more often!!!
They did good though, exceptionally well considering the going, going, going and not as much sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. They were beginning to wear down there at the end. We're still trying to get back in sync now. I'd been adjusting their sleep anyway, not on purpose, I intended to wait till after the visit, but the boys decided to do it for me. So they are actually still tired and still adjusting along with the adjustments. Adjustments? Yeah...that basically means NO NAP for ANYONE. Yikes. I dreaded this day. Kade's about to be in school full time in just over a month ( we honestly need not focus on that at the time though, I"m not ready) so there will not be naps so I'm trying to prep him and Cody...well, he's just done apparently. I've found though, that as much as I do need them to nap in the day for a break, maybe it's kinda nice for them to just go to bed earlier for then I have a really long stretched out break w/out anything else. It would be great, I could get SO much done, alas, I find my body making its way to that huge comfy mattress completely and totally ignoring my brain telling it to do otherwise.
I guess I have to adjust myself as well. I'm sure that after 31 years of not sleeping, even I need to keep at this bedtime adjustment bit for quite awhile before I get it just right. It's better.
Speaking of, here it's nearly midnight though. I was nearly asleep, but then remembered that I don't *think* I locked my car, and Mike forgot his phone downstairs (alarm clock) and somehow I ended up at the computer checking on that gorgeous kitchen hutch I'm coveting, and then my blog was opened up in front of me somehow...
Is that like sleep walking? Body snatchers? (Oh hell if that is the case, can I PLEASE get that one back I used to have about 6.5 years ago???). That'd be great thanks.

Anyway, I will have plenty of photos to share and cutesy stories to go along as well. No worries.
We had a fabulous time guys and miss you and everyone else back home tons! Soooo glad y'all could come and we got to share a bit of our current "home" with y'all!

Okay. I'm off to lock the car, get the phone, grab something to drink, and then go back to sleep w/ no further stops on the way. Hey, trust me...just remembering all that at once is impressive enough, the fact that I will actually DO it all as well is all the more shocking! Yay new me!

Until ... I, uh, type again?!

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