Nearly there....

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

lucky , originally uploaded by off the*deep*end.

Here's hoping that everyone had a wonderful and SAFE holiday!!!
We missed getting to spend it with our family, as we do every single holiday.
I need to give a special shout out to Riley though. A couple days before, when we told Kade we were going to see fireworks, he told me he was going to yell, ' FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!" and asked if Riley would be there. 8o(
Well, when it came time for the fireworks and they began going off, Kade never said anything. CODY busted out with "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!".
Now. See? Everyone has made mention of the kids not remembering them, I think that one memory from a year ago, the whole hour it lasted and see how it's stuck with them both at such a young age all this time?
We have had a WONDERFUL weekend. Seriously one of the best ones yet. We had friends over for BBQ on Friday, it was nice and we had fun. Sadly it ended a bit bad for ME, as it's only taken me a whole 4 times to finally pinpoint a problem with my pills and alcohol and sadly, it was the least amount consumed that made me the most ill. How lame. Call it TRULY embarrassing, I mean for real, if I'd been slamming stuff back all night, it'd be one thing, but 2 shots worth of rum is hardly noticeable to an alcohol tolerance like mine. So...from that we'll take that I'll be living a life of sobriety. Especially since it took me nearly 48 hours to get over it. Blah. Okay, well that's a lie, we know I'll still have drinks from time to time, I'll just not have my medication that day (that's kinda fun, makes me sound like a lunatic in a way doesn't it???). I'll just leave it at that and let everyone wonder what on earth I'm taking!?!?! hehehehe
At any rate, our friends came over and we ate, visited and drank a couple of drinks while the kids played. Very nicely again, granted they were ALL tired so I think they did fuss a bit from time to time, but nothing major.
Saturday we (I) moped around the house for hours on end feeling like I was going to croak still while Mike, the sweet guy he is, cleaned out my car and waxed it with kade's help and the boys played outside. They even napped together so I could nap too. How thoughtful of them. We waited until fairly late and headed over to one of the USAF bases where they had a fireworks display. There was also a carnival so the boys rode a few rides and then we sat down on the grass to watch the show. It was actually much nicer than we were expecting. I guess the says of the boys being scared are officially over. Co wasn't going to get out of Dad's lap, but he wasn't "scared" he said. :)
I love leaving somewhere w/out a huge fight and with the kids saying over and over, huge smiles beaming, how much fun they had. Maybe me keeping them (and my sanity) locked up in the house so much and the sheer boredom they've felt in the giant empty backyard has made them a bit more appreciative? Let's hope.
They were very animated telling us everything we'd just watched ourselves for quite awhile. Good thing since we sat, completely unmoving for over an hour and a half trying to get out. Over-exaggerating again aimee? OOoooh no. Seriously we got in our cars, pulled out of the actual parking spot and didn't move at ALL. Sorry, but I was pretty hot. It may not have been so bad had there not been SP's walking around w/ those little traffic directing sticks that were not on, doing absolutely nothing but looking at everyone that was not moving like WE were stupid or something. Seriously. Okay I understand it taking awhile to get out, but it was so far beyond ridiculous. Regardless, we had a good time and the boys were so tired they watched a movie and were asleep long before we ever got off the base.
This morning we lazed around again for awhile and packed up and made our way to the beach! It was WARM! A warm day at the beach in England? Say it ain't so?!?! It was! It was great! Big shocker we got there later than anticipated, but hey it wasn't actually MY fault this time! Wasn't really anyone's at all, we just got there when we got there. It was AWESOME. The perfect spot. Quiet, relaxing. Precisely what I want out of an afternoon at the beach. A blanket, a snack, the boys playing happily in the sand in front of us. Going out to the water a bit (which I was shocked was so warm), back for more sand play, a walk and then on a sea-shell hunt and then back to the house.
They've told us a million times how they had fun all weekend and were all smiles and happy...
until we tried to tote their asses up to bed tonight. Then they completely forgot about all that other stuff and we were just "bad" mommy and daddy. Go figure.
They're both on a big Daddy kick right now which sucks for me. Why? Well any discipline during the day, "I WANT MY DADDY!!!" well, discipline or not, anything that absolutely does not go their way..."i want my daddy!!!!"
how aggravating is that? i mean really? yeah it is. So Daddy gets home and quite frankly, I could just sulk off to a corner and no one would notice till they needed a refill of milk or Daddy said no to something.
Oh yep, it's begun. Trying to play us. Yeah well, good luck with that my children. hahaha!!!!

In other news, since I think I never really say much about what is ACTUALLY going on sometimes. Last week, Kade's new teachers came over for a home visit. I thought it was pretty cool. That way they got to know him in his environment etc... On one hand sure I bet it's a bit easier on those kids that flip out over being left somewhere and likely also gives teacher a bit of an idea of home-life. I couldn't believe that when they walked in...Kade was instantly behind my leg! WHAT KID IS THIS?!?!?!?! He's never been shy one single solitary second of his life! Granted, it only took him about 45 seconds to get over it. Cody was ALL over them and they were great. So tomorrow is a sort of "intro" day where I take him to his class and he'll meet all the other kids and get to spend a bit of time. I get to go to the lounge for tea and cakes. :o) I'll remember not to expected sweet iced tea though...
Then he'll hang out with us for the summer and officially start school in September! I still can't believe it! He's so SO SO excited though! I'm excited for him but of course, so sad that it's come so fast and he's SO big! I feel like i barely know him sometimes and now I already have to send him off to grow up at school? *sigh*
Co will be going to pre-school again, but all by himself w/out big brother there. That will prove to be interesting to say the least. I'm sure they'll both be fine and maybe it will do them some good to get time apart, but drop off for Kade and Co not getting to stay at first is going to be UGLY. I've already warned the teachers. They said they've seen it all before, but...yeah they've not seen the wrath of Cody scorned. Just wait.

Beyond that though, we're just getting ready, i.e. sitting on our hands nearly unable to stand the anticipation! Shannon and Steph will be here in less than TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!
We are just dying (Mike and I) b/c we know they are going to FLIP at how enormous these boys are! They are soooooo huge! I need to put up comparison pics from last year to now. WOW. Phenomenal to say the least. I wish we had more hours in the day b/c it is so hard to decide what is most important to do while they are here b/c there is SO much to see and do!!! I'm so not good at prioritizing you know!

At any rate, on that note. It is 2AM and I'm soooooooo tired I wanted to fall out at 9 and not a moment later. However, I was DETERMINED to post at least ONE photo tonight! ONE! I was NOT going to let this computer win this time! Maybe it learned a lessoN? Let us hope.
So I do have more photos to come tomorrow, they're done up and all ready to go. Just isn't going to happen tonight.
And with that, since I'm posting here via Flickr, I'm sure there are typos out the wazoo, but I'll fix them later. I'm tired. I don't have to worry with punctuation and spelling when I'm this tired.

Peace out!
love love love!!!!

*okay. i'm a freak. i had to spell check. it was ugly. so glad i did! i'd have never gotten any sleep!*

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