Nearly there....

Friday, July 25, 2008

You Talk Funny

Well, here we are. In England. We made it. The trip honestly wasn't as bad as we'd imagined all these past few months. Thank GOODNESS! As we've learned many other things, we learned a lot about traveling overseas with small children. haha! The hard way.
The boys were pretty good considering. Especially considering how rotten they'd acted the severeal days leading up to the trip. I was pretty concerned. It got down to me spazzing about the luggage that we were taking along. I wanted to try to take as little as possible as carry on, but there's so much you "might" need or that you don't want to check b/c they are so rough. Then there were the carseats etc...
Our saving grace was most definitely the fact that there were screens in the seats and it was playing Horton Hears a Who. Phew!
The boys slept pretty good on the plane and were way confused when we made them get up so "early" b/c to them it was midnight, not 6am.
After the numerous hours of flying and waiting and lugging kids and luggage, we still had an hour or so wait for the bus to the base. Then the ride to the base was about 2 hours. I was very sad that I simply could not keep my eyes open for the ride. I tried so hard, but it was impossible. Even with dozing on the plane, it was not restful in the least and basically just a way to pass the time. The few times I did open my eyes, the countryside was beautiful. There were really rolling lush hills and gorgeous buildings all over. The thing that I found pretty shocking was the traffic. Going IN to London. Oh my it was the craziest thing I've ever seen. I can't even imagine how many miles long the line was, but I have not seen traffic built up like that since I was leaving Miami Beach for the Hurricane Gilbert evacuation many years ago.
Crazy! I'll DEFINITELY be all about taking the train anytime we go to London. Yuck!

So, we've basically seen the base. The day we got here still seems pretty surreal. I'd not had ANY sleep though, the week before we left I might have gotten a total of 8 hours. So, if you can imagine, I was personally pretty out of it.
Luckily, I didn't lose a kid or a husband in the crowds on the way here. I just had to go a LONG LONG time without a dr. pepper. I was not very nice about it either.

At any rate, we're here and the weather so far is just lovely. Its hard to describe b/c you can go outside and its just comfortable, then 10 minutes later its HOT and then it might feel chilly in the next 10. Very odd. I guess I'll really have to work my layering skills.
Overall though, its VERY nice weather. We were outside at the playground tonight at 7:30 and it was maybe 70 degrees and there was not a mosquito in sight anywhere. Light cloud cover, light breeze, so very nice.
We thought of everyone back in Texas, sweating their butts off swatting away mosquitoes. :)

I did take a few photos of the boys at the play area. I won't get into the neat stuff until I get my desktop back. This laptop doesn't really work well for that, so these are jsut with my point and shoot.
Kade even took a few. I wish he'd "get" taking care of things so I could buy him a real digital camera for Christmas. I've been so impressed with the pictures he's taken with his kid tough camera, what i can see of them anyway. So I let him use the little ones sometimes, he does so good! It must be hereditary! ha!

Anyway, we just wanted to let everyone know that we made it just fine, we're just kind of rocking along here. I'm apparently a spoiled rotten turd b/c I'm simply DYING without a cell phone or car. Who the heck I'd call here who knows, but I still like knowing I have one. Where I'd be that I'd need one? Again, who on earth knows.
I can't wait to get our car though b/c well I have stuff I want to SEE!!! I'm dying knowing I'm in another country but stuck here on this base!
We might go by outdoor rec tomorrow and see if there are any bus tours or SOMETHING!
I'm pretty unimpressed with the BX here, but the Comissary is nice,so that is something right? Luckily, I keep hearing over and over how great the shopping is here. Not to mention a nice young man we met at the airport waiting for the bus informed me that there is an H&M in Cambridge! Well, I know very few know what that is, but its awesome adorable cute cool clothes for the boys that are very reasonably priced! Exciting for me. :) Living in Abilene, the closest one was maybe in Philly or California.

Anyway, enough of my shopping addiction. We just got the boys down for bed a bit after midnight and had to make a couple of calls back home. Of course we have to wait till midnight to call home to catch folks after work.
We are working on cell phones though, so we can hopefully get a decent rate on some international calling.

Now to add some photos of the boys today and I'm going to TRY to upload a video as well. Not sure though, this connection I've caught on to is pretty slow...

Okay that only took me like 3 hours to get the photos on here. Obviously no fantastic quality, but the subjects sure rock. ;) I'll get some with my big camera when we can get the heck off of this base!

Now I'm going to try a video. For you techy folks, I'm running 11.0 mbps. Yeah. So this may have to wait till I can get up to the BX or something to get a real connection.

Hmmm... so maybe that worked.

Love and miss everyone bunches already!!!!

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