Nearly there....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bermuda Triangle?

I swear I think we're going to just live at the playground! Being in such tight quarters with such rambunctious boys is getting pretty nerve wracking to say the least.
I must say that, although I doubt we went over the Bermuda Triangle, unless the pilot got temporarily lost, we went over something of the likes that took the normal right out of our boys. They have been absolutely INSANE since we got here! It seemed that it was even getting worse. Now you may be saying to yourself, "Well Aimee they are in a new place, new time zone, everything is wonky, give them a chance!".
Of course I'm taking all of that into consideration, but regardless of all that, Mike and I are the ones in this room with them and its simply in-SANE! I've never heard so much screaming, crying, whining, squealing, squalling, yelling, fighting...oh you name it. Its constant too. In the drawers, opening the fridges, running around with a bottle of picante sauce and then it turning into Death Match 2008 to get it away from him, climbing on tables, locking themselves in the bathroom to play in the sink, sticking their fingers in the fan, trying to climb out the windows. Oh yes, I could simply go on and on and on.
I need not mention the pouring out of food, the simple wasting of basically any food at all, breaking things, making messes, making messes, making messes -- oh wait I think the record got stuck for a second.
Let's also not forget Cody pulling the gigantic TV out of the airmoire onto himself. Yep. From the other room we hear a crash and a scream and then crying by the time we can get in there. I yelled, "Oh my God!" and stand there for a moment, I mean my BABY is laying underneath a tv. Its probably just a 27" but at that moment it seemed like a 50". Then I pulled it off of him and put it on Mike's foot. He later made fun of me, but all that was going through my mind was broken ribs or internal bleeding or a neck injury.
Geez. Well the little moose was just fine and playing within a minute. He's going to give me lots and lots and lots of gray hairs. So many. I can hardly describe the anxiety that Cody can bring out in any caretaker.
Then there's Kade, while not near the daredevil as his baby brother, just simply lost in La-la land daydreaming about something while unknowingly walking straight into a building, parked car, name it. It tends to get old when you are out somewhere with them b/c you are constantly pulling Cody from some dangerous stunt and yelling at Kade to watch where he's going. How many times a day do I say Kade's name to get his attention?
We could start a pool and give out some cash on this one because I doubt anyone would come close to getting it.
At any rate, we're trying to spend a lot of time outside doing things to keep them busy to keep them OFF my nerves and trying to get their sleep adjusted a little better. I'm hoping that will help some. As of today, they are a teeny bit better. Not that we have not been bribing them a little bit and threatening them.... you name it.
Its gotten down to desperate measures here.
There is a little thrift store here on base and I saw a jogging stroller through the window the other day. They have very odd hours, and I caught them open today to check on it. Well it was sitting outside with a sign on it, "make offer". Hmmm, what is a single jogging stroller worth? One that is not fancy, not that I've heard of anyway.
Well, I finally just asked and the lady said, "Give me $5 and its yours". Well, sold! Why not? What's $5 anyway??
Well, its less having to fight Cody to hold your hand JUST to cross the street. Less having to carry him, chase him or go back and get him when he flat out refuses to take another step randomly. Of course, as I mentioned its a single. Now Kade wants in it, telling him he's a big boy who can walk is of no use either. He doesn't care! He wants a ride! Cody is content and we COULD be moving along a little faster, but alas, now Kade is on the ground flailing about because HE has to walk.
It's just never right. No matter what.
So I came back to the room and looked up double joggers. Well yeah. Okay. The sheer number of strollers that I've been through since we had kids is insane and really, there's just no way on earth I can bring myself to spend $500 on a stroller. Not with my track record. Who knows. I am pretty limited on the type of stroller I can get because Kade is a normal sized 4 year old and Cody is a giant sized almost 2 year old. They are basically the same size now, give or take about 2 inches and 2 lbs. Yeeeep.
I get asked constantly if they are twins. Oh what to do.
Luckily we finally found out that we should have my car in our posession Thursday morning. FINALLY!!!
You know its so easy to look for a new house while stuck in this room on this base with nothing but our feet to take us to our destination. Well, its kept the weight off at least with all the crappy eating we've done since arriving.

On another note, thus far, can I say that I absolutely ADORE the weather here? Adore is an odd word for it, but seriously. I just do. I still have this computer set on Abilene's weather in my toolbar. Damn! Its HOT there! So it says your high today is 103 and well, the high here is 73. Its between 73 and 80 all week here. It goes from cloudy to sunny all through out the day. That, though, makes it extremely difficult to decide what on earth you will wear. If the sun is out, you are HOT, if the clouds are out, you are chilly. Very strange indeed.
So, long sleeves you'll risk being a bit warm, but short w/ no jacket and you're gonna get chilly here and there. Whichever bothers you least is how you should dress I suppose.

Well, I'd love to share more photos, but this idiotic laptop still won't let me load anything. I hate it. If I have never mentioned that, I really really hate it. So frustrating to have spent that amount of money on something and it to be this big of a piece of crap so soon. If any rich millionaires with cash to burn are reading, I'll take a macbook pro please. Thank you.
If only. Of course, I could buy one, and I will eventually but the thought of dropping that much on a laptop (b/c I have such great experiences with them in my past) is a little sickening.

I've also tried to load that darn video for 3 days now. I even sat in the office at the lodging building where they have a real internet connection for 2 hours and it still wouldn't load. It is not like it is that big or anything. Just a clip for goodness sakes!

Anyway, that is enough rambling from me today. One is awake from the nap and the other will be shortly. If they are awake then that means we need to be hitting the playground soon before they go nutso on me. Good news is that they are waking up from nap before 4pm, meaning they are getting more and more on track with their old schedule. We're making progress I say!


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Hey you made it! This is Kim from MDO, Catherine passed your site on to me. Okay first of all let me say, you are majorly stressing and that is okay. IT WILL GET BETTER. No one told you about life in the hotel, because it becomes a distant memory once you get settled into your new place. Wait till you see the homes they show you, they will be small, but you will manage. Put those boys into the CDC, they have free spots for you guys to use. Have you gotten your drivers licence over there yet? I had a hard time with being on the other side of the road, made me sick sometimes! I am looking forward to reading your blog about your new experiences over there. You will love it. It is hard right now, especially being in such small quarters, but meet some of the people there with you, because they will become some good friends. Also check out the enlisted wives club, usually they are much better over there then they are stateside. Enjoy getting your car, it is one step closer to getting back to normal. Will be thinking of you, and giggling once in a while when I read your blog! :-)