Nearly there....

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fun in the...the...wait? What IS that????


Well, as insane as it seemed. We had a SUN filled Memorial Day weekend! SUN! Oh and hardly any wind at all to boot. So, it was a few of those days that still baffle me, in the 60's and sunny and extremely WARM. Note I doubt I'll ever say I'm hot here. I am just completely dumbfounded by this and really need some genius weather person to explain it to me. Why is it back in Texas 60 degrees was bustin out the sweaters weather and here, we're sweating and wearing tanks and shorts? The boys and I even got a SUNBURN?!?! In England!
Regardless, we had a lovely, albeit TIRING, weekend! I think, since apparently it was rather uneventful and I can hardly remember it, Saturday was a whole lot of nothin' goin' on. Sunday we spent the ENTIRE day in the backyard. Mike built a couple of smaller flower boxes for me under my kitchen windows. We'll see if these flowers take off. Since the flowerbox the boys and I built, painted, and planted has become nothing more than a big dirt pit for them to dig in. I will be shocked to see anything grow out of that but more laundry for me. We put up a cover over the patio as there is NO shade in the back until late in the afternoon and while we need to just have some anyway, Cody absolutely has to be able to get out of the sun. (more on that in a second). I had this wonderfully creative idea to keep it very natural looking, but as usual, it didn't pan out so nicely. Really sucks most because Mike swore it wasn't going to work and then it didn't. Ugh. Regardless, he did not gloat too much and together we came up with a new plan and it turned out really nicely. So I"m very pleased with it. A few more finishing touches and the patio will look really nice. A few more touches to the yard in the back and it will honestly, I think, be one of the very nicest yards I've ever had. We'll just pretend that it's all grass back there. Keep it mowed short (which I do for I am anal-retentive about mowing the grass) and you can't see the odd "other things" that grow with my grass.
Then we have to move on to the front. It is ghastly. I'm loathe to figure out how to bring some personality and color to it. I cannot stand these gravel yards. Its just awful. In Arizona...West Texas even, SURE I can see it. England???? Um, not so much.
So our house that blends with the gravel that blends with the other houses that blends with the other gravel. Blech. We'll see. I'm just glad to spend some time outside!
The boys are too and WOW do they ever sleep better (and earlier yay!) when they've spent all day outside playing hard! They seem to rip through their clothes much faster like that as though, unfortunately.
Yesterday we hopped on the train and rode over to Ely. I suppose this is where Mike didn't give me a big "I told you so" about the patio, so I had to keep my trap shut with my "I told you so" about his day out idea. A 1000 year old cathedral is of absolutely no interest what-so-ever to a 2 year old and 4 year old, other than all the stuff they can climb on, the echoes when they scream and candles they think they need to blow out. Yeah. Well, now he knows. Now I know that my idea for the patio won't look good at all too. At any rate, we went over to Ely and saw the inside of the Cathedral, took a load of pictures. Played on the playground outside the cathedral, then walked by the river back to the train station and rode back home. It was very nice indeed. I think I took more pictures y'day than I have in ages. So that is nice, going through them might not be so much fun though! I will get around to that soon. It was a nice break though, to get some things done around here and see progress and then to get out of the house to see things.
The rain Gods held back until right as the sun went down and I am thankful for that. Today is solid rain, a few downpours as well but it's not stopped since we got up for a second. It is okay though, we need a break from the sun today and rain is the best excuse to keep them in the house w/out too much complaint.

Well...on that note, as I had more I will have to do that later. My office has now been invaded by rain-bored children. I need to run for my life in other words....

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