Nearly there....

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I know. I know. I'm in immense trouble for not blogging at ALL lately. I. Know.
Well, sometimes, one must just sit back quietly when there's nothing nice to say. Well, that sounds bad I guess. I don't mean it that way, of COURSE there's loads of great things and nothing bad at all. I've just been in the foulest of foul moods for what seems like weeks on end now. So all that tends to come out of me is negative, when frankly...there's just no reason for it. For that, I just prefer to keep it to myself. I would much rather spread my positive sunshine-y words for the world than grouch, grump and groan for absolutely no reason.
Why the foul mood? You got me. Which makes it all the more foul I think. If I had a reason, then I could fix it and move on. Regardless, I'm working on it. Each day is new and today I feel less grouchy than yesterday.
I thought it was just another monster PMS, but as much as I'd like to just excuse my bitchiness with PMS...I doubt it lasts a month long. With that in mind, I have thought that perhaps I should go in and have my hormones tested and be sure that the old ovaries are still kickin. I've heard in rare cases they can cease functioning after a total (but not radical) hysterectomy. Rare and I are good pals when it comes to reproduction and all that jazz, so it might not hurt to have it checked out as a precaution. Hate to be bestowing my chipper nature on my family when I could just pop some good ol' estrogen and be happy. If that is what it is. We shall see.
I will admit while England is beautiful, and I do love it and don't want to LEAVE etc... I MISS BEING WARM!!!!!! It is MAY now. SERIOUSLY. It should NOT be barely 50 degrees anymore! Do I want to share your 103 degrees back home, um...not so much at ALL. However, I'm so over being cold. I want to be hot. Not on the verge of heat stroke after 3 seconds outside, but just warm through and through w/out the assistance of a heater! I mean sitting at a red light y'day I'm sure I had all the folks near me freaked out just a little bit by beating my foot around on the inside of the car trying to get some sensation back in it. IN MAY!!!! I was so stinkin COLD in MAY that my foot was NUMB. That was after driving half an hour with the floor heat on high, while the rest of me was suffocating.
I think I want a vacation somewhere warm, but would that make it easier to stand or harder upon our return? I suppose it would depend on my mood. 8o)
As I said, I am just grumpy. So I shouldn't carry on about much of anything, b/c it's just grumpy or will turn that way.
Updates on stuff? Well, of course Mikey put his new stripe on and I did not forget to load the video, but have tried numerous times for it to just sit here going nowhere. It's only 2 minutes long, so who knows. I honestly can't imagine saying so, but I just can't stand sitting at my computer at all lately. When I take pictures and my cards get full, I just dump them and here sit photos untouched. Granted, I don't have much opportunity at all to sit at the computer anyway. I can't stay up late very much anymore and beyond that, the boys are not in school at the moment, so there goes that little window of daily opportunity.
The other update then is that the boys are not in school. Due to lack of funding and low admissions, their school was just not making it financially, so they were set to close down the end of this month. However, I took them in on a Tuesday morning and found that the head teacher had resigned her position and everything seemed okay, but they were not sure about a couple of the afternoons. No big deal, we'll work it out. That evening at 8pm I got a call that the school was shut down indefinitely, effective at 6pm that night. So. There goes that.
So they don't really understand, I suppose they think that it is just another break and I've had absolutely NO luck whatsoever getting them placed anywhere else.
On one hand I hate to mess up their going daily half days, while it left me NO time to do much of anything at ALL (since we live so far out from anything) they were doing SOOOOO good. That hunk of consistency that I seem incapable of, was working wonders. However, thus far I've found nothing at all within a reasonable distance that will take students at this time of year and/or won't take Cody b/c he's not 3 yet. Granted he's smarter, faster, bigger than most 3 year olds and can certainly hold his own with 5 and 6 year olds, they won't let him in. I can't really take Kade and not Co - maybe that sounds dumb, but I just can't. Not that I've even found space for Kade. *sigh* So now I've come willing to send them twice per week all day, or even one day a week for goodness sakes if it is far away. No such luck. When I do find openings... well, I find that perhaps a reason there were financial troubles was that the school they were going to was REALLY cheap (granted, it's a TINY village and as you see, there weren't a lot of children available to go as it was). So, always the catch 22, if I find the opening, it is just to expensive. If I can afford it, it's not open. Go figure.
So. As I sit and watch their old behaviors start to rear their ugly heads again... I sit in frustration mostly. Apparently, I did not know this either, they were going to be out from July to Sept. anyway... so not sure there's a lot of point in hunting so hard. I just wish I could take them somewhere b/c I'm fully aware of how dreadfully BORING I am to a 2 and 4 year old, and frankly, we ALL do better with a little break from each other during the week. 8o)
So. There's all that...
I'm having a VERY difficult time realizing how soon my baby is going to be THREE YEARS OLD. I keep asking him to STOP growing up SO fast, age be damned he's beyond that anyway. He just puts his hands in the air and says, "But I just CAN'T Mommy!". So true. Sadly.
I do have photos though. 8o) I couldn't possibly stay away this long and post some ranty hello w/out photos could I?
I've got to say, I fear our grocery bill when these kids are in high school. I mean I REALLY fear it. I often think back to Jay's own personal tray at Taco Bell when he and Steph were in high school. Mark's Thanksgiving Day plate can't hold a candle to that one. Haha! So lately BOTH the boys have decided they like to eat and frankly, not that it hurts either of us one bit, Mike and I have been left with less to eat. You might want to take notice of Kade's cheeks. I don't think they've looked like that since he was under a year old. The rest of him is still skinny as a pole, but you can always tell when he's been grubbing a lot from those cheeks! They are so yummy too, he's getting SO big he only thinks its funny half the time when I eat em up.
At any rate, the boys are doing great, beyond their understandable boredom. We've been trying to spend a lot of time outside, and have been working on a little project for the yard, if they don't nap too long and it's not too chilly after they wake, then we might be able to get the paint on it today and have it ready for show soon. :) There will be more to come of course!

Anyway, I'll hush my yapping up and get on with pics!

This kills me. Is it normal to have man pecs when you're 2.5????

I get comments on this all the time too. His barber (Barber Bob - the greatest ever in the whole world) couldn't believe we'd not been back to Texas. Both kids have maintained their farmers tans through winter in ENGLAND. Cody's is more noticeable, but Kade's is almost as much. Obviously Co's was easier to photograph since he still hates being clothed. They have it on their necks and hands. So it's a long sleeved farmers tan. Pretty humorous actually...
Uh oh. He DID get his Mama's ears didn't he? They're a lot cuter on him though... :) Not as sticky outtie as mine either. Cute little thing he is....
The previously mentioned cheeks.... hehehe! They really are edible!
I think it just has to go on my wall. BIG. I love it!
Kade goes back and forth. Loves the camera, hates the camera. So now, I challenge myself to get pics of him AROUND what he's hiding behind. Who knows, maybe I can make a "Where's Kade" book and put Waldo out of business. It's like a game now.
Mr. Giggly and Mr. Grumpy Face.
Okay, so 1 water bottle and now, he would only let me take it if he was half hidden behind his shirt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to know someone that really gets along well and is very ammusing to small children- Aunt Stephanie Poppins! She will be flying in on a warm breeze in mid-July. Let them know I am on my way with trinkets, songs, and games! Oh yea, don't forget the books- as always. I know you hate it because they will sit still for a whole book for me, but what can I say- it is my only talent. I can't be a beautiful, smart, funny amazing photographer and mom- so just let me entertain the two greatest nephews with a book. I have some good ones I am bringing. Tell them we will visit a farm, a zoo, learn about rhyming and science. I can't wait. Don't worry teh Pre-k teacher is on her way!