Nearly there....

Friday, August 13, 2010

this is stupid

So they changed the way you can fancy up your blogs. It said something like, "try it!". For me, the operative word here was "try" but they meant, put it on there and then never find a logical way to EVER get it off and everything you do to try and make it go away is going to make your blog look even more stupid. hahahahahahaha sucker.".
That's what I taking from it anyway.
So ya know, I have sort of gone off and ignored my blog here. MOSTLY because the folks I was mostly posting for finally got with it and got on facebook. However, I just like to spout off meaningless shit at random times so I should probably not stop blogging. I know there's that whole loyal fan-base of readers out there in internet land probably near death now from waiting for me to post again. I just know it....
At any rate, I'm sure the useless spouting will help keep me from exploding. Little boys could really care less what I think of commercialism of holidays or price gouging or ways that government or military or whatever could make everything easier if they'd just let me show them how. I can't waste precious husband actually listening to my words time on pointless crap like that, therefore...the blog is sort of like, well...the toilet for my excess brain function. Special eh? I thought so...

Lately my days consist well I don't really know they are blurring right now. Kids out of school means certain NEAR dementia for me, no matter HOW hard I try. I'm trying though. Trying to toughen up, er learn of legal ways to drug, no I mean toughen up myself and take the boys out to do some more things alone. I mean really, it's just damn crowded here and between their ages and personality types in general, it's simply been PURE LIVING HELL to ever take them anywhere alone. ONCE in a blue blue moon I'd take them somewhere and they'd make me feel like the worst Mom on earth b/c they were just angels, but...then it only took that NEXT foolish attempt of mine to realize they were just screwing with me and I WAS right in the first place! ;) However, now they are getting older and Kade is REALLY acting so much more mature and Cody is just Cody kiss up. So at least I'm not spending 150% of my time with them in public screaming and threatening, only about 48% of it and the rest of that time one of them is acting like a shit while the other one is securing their safety in making sure that everyone is looking by doing the, "but i'm being a good boy mommy! see?? see how good i'm being???" i mean it's like a PSA for wire hangers. "LOOK at her people!!!! Make sure you see this and acknowledge we are being good!!!".
This is  apparently what they are talking about for that hour after bedtime when I'm about to pull my hair out for them to JUST go to sleeeeeeeeeeeep already! Yeah, giggling about farting and arguing over who is the better fastest runner etc... is only a disguise for the mastermind planning they are doing when I'm out of earshot.
At any rate, I am not about to take up drinking and don't care to pop any more pills than are necessary and certainly have no plans to start beating or belittling my kids, so we have to settle for what I can realistically handle that they can realistically handle and go from there. :)  I just wish they hadn't figured out how to push those couple of buttons yet before I figured out how to manipulate it. Damn smart kids!!!

So we were trying to pop back home for a few weeks via Space A travel, but as you may  notice -- especially since I'm not blogging about the 900 degree heat index -- that I am not in Texas in August, but England. It's a nice balmy 55 degrees and raining, so I'm actually all layered and covered up, cozy in my bed right now. :)

On that note, I have been trying to get back into some work again. It's been too long of a break, see what overkill burn out will do for you? Ugh! However, I've got 2 years worth of creative shots to get out of my head. A log of locations and random spots and things. If only I had a live in model who was at my beck and call so when the light was just right, I could whisk them off to help me make it happen. ;) Ah well...I've worked out a few on a quick call list, they just don't know it yet. Although I did send off just such a text y'day, but she was too far away! Ah well, try, try again. I'm not much of a quitter!
Next week I'm heavy on the school stuff, so we'll see if I am not a student again soon. ON PURPOSE! I don't know what's crawled up my butt but I really do want a REAL degree if for not other reason than to have it. That may sound stupid but...hey I won't be TOO stupid with all my college knowledge now will I? :)

Well, I am going to close now, this was a start and I shouldn't drone on and on about a start to starting again of something I started awhile ago, but sort of quit because then I'll be off on some random tangent again. Oh did I happen to mention who forgot their ADHD drugs today? its best I cut it short (for me obviously).
I want a snack.
Later peeps!

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