Nearly there....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

helloooo, hellooo......HELLO??? ECho?

well, here we are. how long since my last blog? according to steph it's been way too long. ;)
here i am. trying out something new. my late birthday pressie! yay! a netbook! i've been wanting one, but oh don't i ever have such a hard time spending money on anything more than $40 at a time! yeah, well nowdays i do, here's old age setting in.
i'm trying to get used to this. this keyboard in kinda like typing on a mini-calculator at court reporter speed. my giant man-hands (i'll never forgive seinfeld for that episode!) are having a bit of difficulty with it, but i will get used to it!
at any rate. there is absoLUTELY NOTHING going on. nada. zip. zilch.
i have nothing new to report at all.
perhaps the lack of blogging of late. in fact, until a couple of days ago i had not even picked up my camera in over a month! even picking it up then, i only snapped a couple of quickie shots. hmmm, perhaps this ice age of a winter is getting to me! i told mike that i needed to go through one more winter here before i could decide if i wanted to stay here any longer. granted we've already made that decision, but i think this winter would've done me in anyway. i've figured it out, in texas we get a break randomly from the winter. there's also something like...sunlight? at regular intervals rather than that shocking moments of blinding brightness that is so fleeting you wonder if it really happened or not. in texas, however, we get those heatwaves randomly with the winter-ish weather. i think i have decided that is why the winter here is a bit tough. i'm used to random breaks here and there. there are NONE here.
so i am now certain that the BEST time for a little NOW. its around this time last year i noticed the perpetual bitchiness had taken over and it simply took a couple hours of sunshine and above freezing temps to realize it was just a weather related funk. maybe i should go find some cheapie weekend vacay to somewhere sunny and kinda warm. :o)
spain always looks warm on

the boys are both doing well. we've had a few versions of illnesses swarming through around here. hopefully we're on the mend now! they are half-term break right now and the poor little guys have spent it all sick!! perhaps this is where some of that sunshine would again come in handy! fresh air, sunshine...yep i can feel it now!

anyway, i have to say that i finally figured out part of the reason i call less or write less and what not is b/c i currently have NOTHING to mention really. i've found out, that i am undeniably BORING. there is no beating around the bush. i. am. boring.
it's simply a sad, sad day when i come to that conclusion.
the boys are oddly playing contentedly at the moment, i've got marley and me on the tv (which incidentally had me in tears on both ends of the spectrum when we watched it. how SUE is this entire movie??? wow!) and i've got several things to get done today! i'm working on getting things ready for our move. it shouldn't be too awful long. however, not soon enough. we're moving down on the housing list, slowly...but surely.
so that said, i'm trying to get unnecessary things culled out. i also got to make an ikea run earlier in the week, so it's organization time baby! current plan... empty the entire kitchen and start all over. :) it's not that bad really, but organized neat cabinets make me smile.

at this particular time, i'm terribly sorry to report, that i have no photos to share. i know this is grounds for being disowned...but i will get on that. maybe i will get some sleep soon so i dont pass out at random intervals after the boys fall asleep tonight.

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