Nearly there....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Why yes, that ticker you see at the top of the page is, indeed, very true. Yes, still totally completely undeniably 100% smoke-free. Has it been hard? Actually not really. Not at all. Sure I put on a few pounds, but big deal. The first 4 days were the questionable ones. I knew if I made it past then, I'd be fine. I did, and I was. I still am. Even...with a smoker in the house still. :o)
Who, by the way, is also working on his quitting. :0) I told him his b-day was a pretty darn good time to quit. It was a really cool birthday present I gave to myself, he should try it.
Being free of the proverbial chains of an addiction is well...freeing. What else can you call it? I feel free, I smell better, I have no guilt, I am not walking around with the stench of shame and weakness wafting from my hair and clothes.
I've heard a few folks say they wish they could just do that, can. All you have to do is....DO IT. This is not the first thing I've ever quit you know. The key is just having the guts to REALLY make up your mind. Not think you made up your mind but still allowing yourself room to fail. I left no room to fail on purpose. I told EVERYONE I'd quit once I made it past 72 hours b/c I KNEW I would not allow myself to fail in the eyes of SO many.
So, that is all it is. For me, I have to quit things cold turkey. If I touch it again, I will never stop.
YEsterday marked exactly one month of no cigarettes. I'm proud of me.
Well, I'm a gal with a LOT of vices. I hate having these weaknesses. So the things I wanted to quit doing this year, were quit smoking. Quit eating chocolate (all the time at least, celebrations and REALLY bad days are okay right?), and to quit drinking sodas all the time.
As it turned out, my body did me a favor yet again and decided I just could not stomach any sweets of any kind at all. So.... now I've been a few days w/ no dr. pepper and no chocolate. I should phrase that properly, I have had chocolate, just not in the form of a candy bar, cake or anything else. I will have my morning chocolate milk. Anyone be damned. It's my "coffee" you see and I have absolutely no intention of giving it up. Other than that though, none.
So perhaps this will be the year of quitting. That's what I thought originally. The number of vices I've got, I"m sure there would be no shortage. HOwever, its where therapy tends to kick in I guess. I decided "the year of quitting" is probably a little bit on the negative side. Therefore, it's simply the year of change. ;o)
Changes I will make, all through out the year. More specifically, the way its working out is a change each month. WHether it be quitting something, or starting something, or trying something. Each month I endeavor to do something different, to make the changes in myself that I want but never put forth the effort, energy or guts to do.

So, if you want to change something...join me. I am more than willing to be the ball buster in your head when you need it! (Just ask Mike, my smoking sympathy went out the window with my last smoke). He's working on it, and making very good progress now. :o)

So, last month, cigarettes, this month is apparently month? Who knows? I've also gotten back on my exercise regime, so that's already on the go as well. Man, it's seriously pathetic how long it had been since i set foot back in the gym, but MAN OH MAN did I forget the insane HIGH I get from it? WOW. I need to go at least twice a day everyday!!!! I drove everyone nuts for hours after a half hour workout!!!

On that note, maybe my next thing shall be working on getting better sleep again. That was good. Mike's schedule sucks now though, so for whatever reason, I tend to get all out of whack too.

night all!

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