Nearly there....

Monday, March 15, 2010

oh the irony of it all

ya know, i must enjoy the things most folks don't. i dunno. who needs to go out of their way for entertainment? i mean really.
between karma and irony...who needs anything else?
karma keeps me calm when people are hopeless. i can move on b/c i know everyone gets their come-uppance. irony, well i mean what else can you really do but laugh at it?
case in point, and what has prompted this pointless blog post at all;
we've not had outside water for almost a year. yeah rock on crappy ass landlord, rock on. :| jack ass. but anyway.... we finally got that situation recently. it took DRASTIC measures for something seriously as simple as we thought all along. um, anyway... mike has been dying to handwash the cars. they needed it pretty bad too. it's shit spreadin' time in norfolk! i.e. there's mud and crap everywhere and it reeks of muck and carcass all over the entire county. especially on awesome days like today when it's windy!

so obviously our cars are filthy and really really needed the wash. mike and the boys scrubbed both our cars, cleaned the wheels till they were sparkly and shiny. or..."squeaky clean" per cody's words. :)
so today i ran to base for a quick grocery run. about 10 minutes into the trek i had to call mike b/c i couldn't stop laughing at one of the most disgusting things to happen to one of my vehicles ever. twice as funny that it was funny to me if you knew how i was about meat... oh yeah it's going THERE.
so there's a big truck, and then a bmw SUV in front of me....
then there was this road kill.

the big truck rolled over the road kill, then the bmw trudged it up off the road apparently and what else could it do but slop a huge hunk of animal carcass right on my hood? yes, i mean really...who the HELL does that happen to? so now i have this gross slimy, old rotting hunk of God only  knows what meaty furry something on my hood. just waving at me as i'm driving. i mean really, what the hell was i going to do about it anyway? so trying to not look at it so i don't barf or wreck, and then wouldn't ya know it??? another set of big trucks rolls the opposite way and sprays shit dirt all over my car, and kind of did a tarred and feathered number with the carcass chunks. yeah...awesome i say.
i'm not done...
so then the opportunity arose to pass the first offender, so as i'm flying by him guess what??? ooooh yes the blinding speed once again lifted the meat chunk and it flew from my hood right into my windshield and tangled all up in my wipers.
how awesome is that??? and again i ask...who the HELL does that happen to??
so of course, i had to call mike and laugh. all that time he spent making my car sprakle and end up covered with guts, goo, fur, carcass, and shit-dirt.
ya know...i DID tell him that i wasn't going to bother washing the car until it was staining our clothes by getting near it or until about june when all the poop spreading was over. that's what he gets for being sweet and productive i guess....

so anyway. that's my monday in a nutshell. well, add in that my blackberry is still not back and i'm really not the least bit patient about it this time. i have full intentions of annoying the crap out of them until they either replace it or give me something else. as in....daily. i just don't care. okay and then i went to get groceries and the salad bar was out of cheese AND ranch. lame. and then i got a call to come get kade a few minutes early b/c he was not feeling well in his tummy. that's as far as i will go to remain sensitive to my boy. :( so yeah...but ya know? i'm STILL in a good mood. :)

i'm working HARD on my calorie counting again. gotta get this no smoking weight off. and i just cannot be in a yucky  mood when awesome hair is but a couple more days away. :)
i'm stoked!!!!

be glad that i do not have my blackberry b/c i'd have totally photographed my nasty car and plastered it all over facebook and here. b/c that's the sick sense of humor i have.

well, i need to get mario and luigi lined out here before WWIII breaks out in my living room. maybe if they keep messing with me i'll make them go clean my car........

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