Nearly there....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

sorry tiger, your days are numbered...

just a quickie. that's turning be not quite so quick. as always. seriously, someday i will figure out that ANY time i think something will be quick, it will in turn be about a 3 hour ordeal. it's my karma or something, i think...

wait! what's that???? i've had this epiphany just now. it's not that i simply CANNOT figure out how to work day to day stuff and still have a spotless house, happy kids, happy husband, well fed family, work done in a timely manner oh and that little thing i used to call ME time back when. i've spent all this time seriously causing smoke and sparks to shoot out my ears trying to figure this one out and i think i've just come to the conclusion that it's just my freakin karma. while generally, karma is something i love...and quite frankly i guess i won't even really complain b/c it could definitely be worse. it's just that. anyone else can sit down, load a video quickly, type a hello and go off to bed at a decent hour. me? noooo.... something goes wrong, then somethign else is wonky and then it takes forever to load but i have to wait, so while i'm waiting i do something else, which then turns into something else which has it's own damn issue which takes me that much longer.

uh. is it karma or just maybe i should work on not being so damn stubborn and give up easier (i.e. earlier)?????

hmmmm. the things i ponder at 1am (which these days is like 4am to me a year ago).

at any rate, hopefully this will load sometime this week, and i can hit publish, and you all can see a quick vid of kade. at which time (assuming it is not right now) i will load one of cody, so you can have proof we've still got him as well and did not sell him in the midst of one of those blood curdling tantrums he USED to (yep, i said that past tense baby!) USED to have.

so, at this time, i bid you farewell and maybe i will be able to hit "publish" when i swing back by in a moment on my way to BED. man it's gonna be tough to get up in the morning!

***5 minutes later:

that worked like a charm. or...perhaps i can just scrap everything i said above, and in reality waiting for a video to load online is the modern version of waiting for water to boil. either way, it's there and i'm taking my sleepy ass to bed.


Anonymous said...

Golf tourney here I come! Will they let me drive the cart to watch him play?? Watch out softball- my nephew plays golf!!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm give me an email address and Ill send ya some pics!
Miss ya...
