Nearly there....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

what do you say - when the cleverness is all gone for the day?

i'm fresh out of clever.
kade would say i need to gas my brain i guess. if only it were so simple. i can only imagine what oil tycoon and government taxing would do for brain fuel. let us not give them any ideas.
oh well.
no one wants to read my mind. i'll post some of those previously mentioned photos real fast. more to come.

now i put these two next to each other b/c i wonder who can pick out the difference here. kade yes has a pen in his hand in each photo. he was really drawing in each also, notice anything odd? apparently i've passed on yet another trait to him.

spongebob by: kade
my new FAVORITE picture of my oldest baby boy

that's the best i was gonna get out of him. see, the harder i try to get photos for everyone back home, the worst they are going to be b/c the less cooperative my children are. argh!
just so you know, as much as mike talks smack about my lack of green thumb. i've had these flowers, and the other two next to them, alive for nearly SEVEN months. this particular bunch is actually still in its original container inside that pitcher too. ha!
so neener neener MIKE!

if all else fails, i think i'll take up beer photography. think that's like an actual title i can take on? "OFFICIAL BEER PHOTOGRAPHER"???

i am hooked on colored bottles. mmm...too bad i have not found anything beyond green. i could scream. i really could.
wild hair

wilder hair

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I could scream about Thomas too. ARGH!!!!!!
No orders as far as we know. Fingers are crossed but people are starting to hear about overseas orders and all is quiet on our end...may have to wait a while. *sigh* Glad you posted, wondered if the winter blahs were getting you. It has been in the 90's here as of late! YUCK!