Nearly there....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I can sleep here

Most of you are still asleep. Granted, even by now if I were back home stuck in that awful rut still, I'd STILL be awake (FYI it is currently 2:30am in Texas).
I feel like CRAP when I don't get sleep. I'm not very friendly and caring either. So I've realized 1. in hindsight and 2. the couple of times I was unable to get much sleep since we have been here.
So, no wonder I always seemed so dull and lifeless and bitchy. I was EXHAUSTED! For quite awhile too mind you! Stay at home with babies, two of them that are darn nearly twins, but just far enough apart to make you never stop running, try to run business, keep house, cook, and either do or don't or only sometimes have the hubby there. Well, there wasn'tmuch time for actually getting my WORK done, so pretty much anything else was spotty at best and then I would stay up in a daze working till 3 or 4 am every night and then up with the boys by 7 or 8 at the latest. Do that for a couple of years and tell me what shape you are in!

Me? Total mess apparently and too damn tired to even realize it.
What have I learned since getting a little sleep? Especially since recently having a few nights where I had to stay up to the wee hours to get a couple of things done?
While I'm definitely still a scatter brain, not nearly as much of one. I could actually finish tasks that I began rather than having 100 half completed tasks and never getting anywhere. Large tasks these are not, but... hey it's progress you know. I must say, I was starting to be proud of myself. WOW! I AM capable of simple things like the general population after all! Sleep IS important!
Anyway. I will spare you all my idiocy and rambling. It's about time for another Mommy afternoon out, I can tell.

I came back on this morning to add more photos!
I never knew BK had these things anymore. I remember how much I LOVED playing with them when I was little! Apparently you have to ASK for them.

Cody wasn't quite so into the crown though...

Apparently the best way to get a clear shot of my kids is to strap them into a seat where they can't move or escape. Call me a shameless mom, but I really have some breathtaking kids!

Could anyone resist that? I came in to find Co with some plumbers crack and hit a dead run to get my camera before he moved.

Luckily he was too intent on his playing to even notice and stayed there for a long while. Seriously, mother of him or not, how GORGEOUS is this kid?????

That's my boy! :)

Just an attempt at some building shots. I will, hopefully, have the lens I covet so much very soon. That will certainly make many of these MUCH more interesting! :) Anyway, a small street in Bury St. Edmunds. Walking down this street, I was wishing my good friend Jayne could come visit, I know we would have a blast doing some exploring with cameras galore!

Mike having his very first bona fide British Fish and Chips. He said it was pretty good and Kade shared with him as well.

You just can't know how freakin HAPPY it makes me that my big boy will smile for me now!
We got a little too sleepy playing outside one day.
Isn't it great, that still at this age, me blowing bubble gum bubbles for him still gets this reaction? I'll blow them all day long for it!

His attempt at blowing a bubble. He tried and tried and tried until he blew his slimey gum out in my face! ha!

Everyone keeps asking for photos of the house. I guess I need to go take some more of the inside but have to do it with the little camera. This is our house from the back (so now Jay can see it really IS a 3 story! haha). Not a lot of windows in the homes here. The more windows you have, the more radiators you have, the more radiators you have the more really pricey oil you use etc...

Cody running back from chasing the peacocks. I really love our backyard. I adore this view so much too, but the fence will be going up soon and I will lose it. I would almost opt not to put it up right there, but I just know I'd end up regretting it later and it would be too late to do anything about it then. For now, I can enjoy it though.

And for the finale for this post... one of my new all time favorite Cody pics! I hate to inform him, but his butt crack picture is about to go up on the wall, in large.


Unknown said...

OMG----Your house is HUGE and GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Miss Ya!

Anonymous said...

Dude!! Steve's mom is from Bury St. Edmonds! Holy crap! You live near more Runyans!! Hide woman! Hide!! Just kidding! Now I have to visit!