Nearly there....

Sunday, November 23, 2008


"Does it snow in England?"
"No, not very much, maybe a little but not till the beginning of the year".
I must say, perhaps we bring out something in the Mother Nature of Great Britain because it does, indeed, snow a bit...even in NOVEMBER! I mean, not even Thanksgiving yet!
Now...mind you in West Texas it definitely does snow, at LEAST once per year, sometimes two or three times. The issue is that when it begins to stick, you must immediately drop everything, bundle up and RUSH outside to play in it or build a muddy snow man b/c it will inevitably melt before you can get finished with it. Not to mention, it seems as though every single time you can beat all of that, you and/or your children are sick as dogs with 190 degree temps and things streaming out some orifice or another (hey it could be the nose too thank you, don't get all grossed out now).
Well, sick we were, but we braved it anyway.
See, that's my goofy ass husband in the snow in a t-shirt while we force our children into 95 coats and a hat and 16 pair of pants and 12 pair of socks. Way to lead by example!
Oh yes, they do own gloves, but Kade who insists on wearing them at ALL times has lost one of every single pair and Cody will scratch out your eyeballs if you even look like you are going to try to put those things on his hands. He seems to think they are instruments of evil sent straight up from hell or something. I've never seen anyone flip out over something like that. He flips out over the most unusual things, in the most unusual ways though, so what is new?
They had fun, the whole 15 minutes we played in it. I just couldn't tell them no. They stood at the sliding door for 2 hours with pleading in their eyes.
Damn me for having kids with some gorgeous eyeballs.
Damn me, damn me.

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