Nearly there....

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanks? Yes. Thank you. I give thanks.
I have so much to be thankful for.

Great family.
Wonderful friends.
Fantastic opportunities.
Amazing memories.
Bright Future.

I am blessed. I think I might get fired from blogging if I keep saying that?
I've had a lot of yucky things of course, but who cares about that? None of that stuff matters at all when you get so many wonderful things to reflect on at the end of the day. It snuffs out all the poopy stuff. There's that damn optimist trying to bust out of the closet again. Oh...I guess I'll let her out for the day.
While yes it is technically Thanksgiving TODAY, we are actually going to do it tomorrow.
We are having dinner here at OUR house (there's a first) with our neighbors, fellow Americans and military far from home tomorrow. They were all graciously donating their time on base to those young folks that so definitely deserved some good food today. So we chose to wait a day and have our dinner together tomorrow. Five adults, 3 teenagers, 1 preteen and 2 preschoolers. Should be fun. Most definitely. I'm hoping that next year, we will be very settled so that we can fill our home to capacity with folks hungry for good turkey and hilarious company (I mean come on now...let's be honest, what better could anyone have on Thanksgiving than US???).
Hopefully, next year we'll have our own TABLE. Yes, let us hope. We will, no doubt.

At any rate, I Hope that everyone, in some way was surrounded by great people, great food or at the very least, some great memories to look back on. Thinking of those that are feeling lonely on this day, those that have a hunger pain and too much need for more blankets. If I could accomodate just for the day, I'd do so without a second thought.

We did get to webcam with some of our family, as much as the connection would hang on that is. I think we may have spent more time trying to keep it going than visiting. Regardless, we got to SEE some of our peeps on this day and they us. Our kids got to say hi and blow kisses to one another.
I got to talk to my sister on the phone and my Grandmother and listen to all those sorry relatives of mine feasting on MY DUMPLINGS!!!!! They TOTALLY should have gone without in honor of me. Turds.
Ah well, if someone can enjoy them, then I suppose it is a good day right?

So, I close with a photograph. A photo I am so thankful to have. A photo I am saving to give her for Christmas, so DON'T ANYONE SPOIL IT AND PRINT IT FOR HER! Here is a good example of why it might be good my Grandma refuses to get computer savvy.
A photo I am thankful to have, a photo I would love to have myself, a photo I hope to have of my own someday. A photo of generations still connected. A photo of a very sincere and pure love.
That love of a Great-Grandmother and Great-Grandchild.
I shot this on one of the last visits with family before we left Texas. We got to get together for a bar b que at my Dad's house finally, it had only been years and years. My family, my Dad and step-Mom, my sister's family and my Grandma all sat on the patio out back and had some great burgers. Some laughs and some more memories to add to the vault.
A photo I just shot as the moments wound down.
I love it.
She will too.
I am thankful to have her in my life. I've always been thankful to have her in my life. I'm thankful to have KNOWN her and to STILL know her. I am thankful that my husband and my children know her too. She's someone great to know and anyone that knows her, knows how lucky they are to know of such an amazing, caring, loving, giving person.
My beautiful Grandmother Lorene.
Kissing Kade Good-bye as she left for the afternoon.
I am thankful for the constance of her love through out my entire life.

Have a wonderful day and don't forget to be thankful. Regardless of what you think, no matter who you are, you DO have SOMETHING to be thankful for, hopefully you can sit and think of more than you might have thought of off the bat.
Think about it.

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Sing it with me now!!!

"Frooooosty... the Longhorn FAN! Frosty the LONGHORN FAN!....."
Yeah, seriously, had I had more time he'd have been totally Texas'd out.
The kids were about done here - well WE were, Kade could live in an igloo in his underwear I think.
Cody, however, poor guy hacked up 4 lungs while we were out there, not sure where he got the reserve lungs, thank goodness though. Apparently his illness and cold wet weather did not work all that well together. So he was not too into the whole snow thing too much. Granted, if he'd realize that gloves were not, indeed, the spawn of some Satanic textile factory he might not hate the cold quite so much.
So, here is...our very FIRST snowman ever.
We had enough the previous year or two, but as I mentioned, they were probably too ill by far to be out in it. They would have melted it with their fevers anyway.
So, here we have it folks... the Payne boy first ever snowman.
(Yeah so Daddy did the hard part, that is what he's here for right?).

Getting hammered with snowballs IS that hilarious.

Again, I'll mention how much GLOVES would have assisted his efforts here.

You wanna know what Cody's expression means?
That says, "Dad, I'm glad you have so much faith in the protective and warming powers of pull ups, but...they just don't really do the job like you might think. You should try it yourself buddy..."

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Sunday, November 23, 2008


"Does it snow in England?"
"No, not very much, maybe a little but not till the beginning of the year".
I must say, perhaps we bring out something in the Mother Nature of Great Britain because it does, indeed, snow a bit...even in NOVEMBER! I mean, not even Thanksgiving yet!
Now...mind you in West Texas it definitely does snow, at LEAST once per year, sometimes two or three times. The issue is that when it begins to stick, you must immediately drop everything, bundle up and RUSH outside to play in it or build a muddy snow man b/c it will inevitably melt before you can get finished with it. Not to mention, it seems as though every single time you can beat all of that, you and/or your children are sick as dogs with 190 degree temps and things streaming out some orifice or another (hey it could be the nose too thank you, don't get all grossed out now).
Well, sick we were, but we braved it anyway.
See, that's my goofy ass husband in the snow in a t-shirt while we force our children into 95 coats and a hat and 16 pair of pants and 12 pair of socks. Way to lead by example!
Oh yes, they do own gloves, but Kade who insists on wearing them at ALL times has lost one of every single pair and Cody will scratch out your eyeballs if you even look like you are going to try to put those things on his hands. He seems to think they are instruments of evil sent straight up from hell or something. I've never seen anyone flip out over something like that. He flips out over the most unusual things, in the most unusual ways though, so what is new?
They had fun, the whole 15 minutes we played in it. I just couldn't tell them no. They stood at the sliding door for 2 hours with pleading in their eyes.
Damn me for having kids with some gorgeous eyeballs.
Damn me, damn me.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

breath of fresh air

oh how i need one of those so bad! i know, you've all been lost without my wit and charm for days yeah? i'm so sure.
the boys have caught some kind of funk. i was initially assuming it was just going to be a quick run, i wasn't even sure they were really getting sick. however on monday when kade woke up head spinning, it took a mere dirty look from him and any object in the path of his vision burst into flames. i called into the school and told the teacher that perhaps they were coming down with something, but perhaps not but at any rate, i was certain they did not pay her enough to put up with the devil incarnate on a monday. she thanked me profusely for thinking of them so kindly and then informed me we were the fourth call in. that was pretty much all i needed to hear to know this was not going to be any easy ordeal to get through.
oh man. how little did i know.
the boys have a very methodical way of getting sick, so when things began backwards, i was totally thrown for a loop. cody always starts with a clear runny nose, gradually but daily worsening and reducing my appetite daily. i am certain if there was a call for kid snot, i could hire him out and be rich in a month. i've never seen the like. anyway, as the nose gets nastier, then it makes its way to his chest. well, this started in his chest. nose is clear. that was not a good sign. kade, well he always starts off an illness baring his horns and tail, it is how i know he's not feeling well for there is no other time he acts this way. that is cody's job thank you very much.
oh but can you imagine my pain when they are BOTH acting that way and it is then amplified by feeling like crap AND i'm covered in snot? covered in snot you say? remember Ghostbusters? That ghost called Slimer? (if you are too young to remember that, then why the hell are you reading my blog anyway??? go away! you make me feel old!!!).
sick cody is the ideal mate to slimer.
so, needless to say, the kids have beaten me down to a crawling, wailing heap this week. no school. damn those germs. not to mention the wasted gas to take them to the base hospital. damn antibiotic hoarding asses. seriously, just give me the crap anyway to make me FEEL like i'm doing something besides living in screaming, writhing, coughing, no sleeping, snot hell. for God's sakes PLEASE. at least find me a drug that will KNOCK THEM OUT!
am i lucky enough to have kids that will pass the hell out with drugs? nope. cursed to have those children, as i've now found it is BOTH of them not just one, that get WIRED THE HELL OUT with cold/allergy meds. yay.
snot. screaming. crying. squirming. worming. screaming. snot. snot. screaming. snot. spaz. snot.screaming. crying.
that's been my week. as each day wore on, they worse it got. today i was just going to make the school deal with it for two whopping hours. it is not like it is cheap ya know, they should just earn their keep right? oh but by the time the morning came, i simply did not have the energy to even get them dressed and fight the battle to get them THERE. it is only two hours on Friday and it just wasn't worth it. if it had been an entire day to recoup, sure.
so i've hardly had time to wipe my OWN nose much less get on my computer, check hell with getting to blog anything. not to mention it would have just been pathetic type-crying, begging for mercy from the sick kid Gods. when it got me nowhere i'd have only felt that much more defeated. so i saved myself the heartache of being ignored.
that or it would have been that repetitive repertoire i've had all week.
"wipe your nose".
"wipe your butt".
"wipe your nose".
"wipe your butt".
"don't wipe your bogies on that."
"don't pee on that."
"don't wipe your bogies on that."
"don't pee on that".
when you start to come out of the sick kid fog, you begin to realize how zoned the hell out you get. i think a job at mcdonald's looked more appealing this week than ever. i was even envious of the garbage men for a moment. i'm pretty sure they'd have run off screaming for their lives had i propositioned one of them to trade places with me for the day. damn them. okay, so it was recycling week - you know, the CLEAN trash. it still counts though!
anyway, snot be damned, their asses are at school next week. believe you me. not to mention Daddy will be home more next week.
regardless, my alarm is set and i'm OUT OF HERE bright and early in the morning.
i'd already decided i was going to vacate the premises when no one was paying any attention, but then my loving husband mentioned it to me on the phone, so i didn't even have to guilt anyone into my escape. yay!
i'm also so excited because i'm going to norwich ALL ALONE and hitting up... oh i just shudder with excitement. the british WAL MART!!!!!!
oh my. can you believe it has been almost FOUR entire months since i've been in one? yes, i went to wal mart one last time immediately before boarding our plane.
i cried. the employees there didn't seem too fond of my blubbering sobbing hugs...but they appeased me anyway. likely out of fear, but whatever.
so to get here and find they really ARE a subsidy of Wal Mart and there's one a mere 18 miles from here.
i'm SO there.

so on that note. i have a boy in my office at nearly 11pm. the boy that will be FOUR YEARS OLD in EIGHT FLIPPING DAYS!!! (when did this happen???). so i should herd him off to bed and go myself so i can be well rested for my ME day.

i bid you all, farewell....

Sunday, November 16, 2008

now it is just getting

annoying right?

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yes i am

still playing around. hehe. is this not just entertaining as it can be?

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Finally. Finally I have figured out an easier way to post photos! YAY!!!! Thank you once again google. I love you. I should honestly get a job there. If for nothing else, the amazing marketing I do for them all the time. I mean, except for them killing hello. That was evil and if I had enough energy I'd have gotten together a posse and stood out somewhere with picket signs to stop that. See, that'd be my first order of business in my new position at Google. Bring hello BACK and better than ever.

Anyway. I'm just clicking around through random photos lately can you tell? Apparently Canon batteries aren't so fond of being charged on transformers and it has totally zapped my two batteries. I had one crappy one and one good one. Now I have two crappy ones. Honestly, I never had a battery grip b/c I could shoot solid 12 hours at a wedding and never change my battery once. Never slow down and now it is one bar as soon as I take it from fully charged and put it in. Lasts a couple of hours at most. It is just evil. So, now I'll just do the next best thing, buy a generic and just charge it in the car instead.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

One of my all time favorites

My poor Grandma is thinking, "Did I really admit to being related to them?".
She's a trooper.

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My Favorite Look

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I'm just testing ANOTHER method here. We'll see.
In the meantime, one of these ladies is my great aunt. How bout that? I really do come from a LONG line rockin tough gals!

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Friday, November 14, 2008

How it is done in the UK

See, the only time we really had fireworks was 4th of July. I know people get them for New Years etc... but we just never did. So when I think fireworks, I think swimsuits, bar b que, beer and HOT. It is damn HOT outside. Sweating. HOT.
However, here in the UK there is Bonfire night which I'd need to look up and research fully before I go spouting off facts. It is just what I've heard and there is an actual name but I think I get it wrong, being that I'm too lazy to do research right now for posting in my blog. That is all the info you get. ha!
In and around November 5th there are fireworks galore and bonfires. People party and burn and explode things. Loads of fun! :)
Gosh when could we EVER have a bonfire in West Texas? Rarely.
So on our anniversary we popped off some fireworks right in our backyard - woohoo! No fire hazard either, but this photo cracks me up.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bliss, Romance, Ecstacy and a Dirty Diaper Please

Five whole years of it.

Yep. Five years ago today, I said "I do" to the love of my life. I can honestly say that too, because unlike MANY people I actually KNOW this. Thank you. I remember how nervous I was, not about marrying him, not for one second. It was about the show we had to put on, you know that is all a wedding is is just a show, in the end. I'd have NEVER pulled it off without everyone's help either. So many people, even those I never expected, did things for us from decorations, or dresses, or parties and showers to cakes and receptions and hanging things. Oh gosh I swear I could go on and on. I felt like people believed in us that much, that they did not think twice about pitching in.

I was nervous for that door to open, for Mike to see me. My hair didn't look like I wanted, damn the weather, I was freezing to death, damn the weather, and well...I'd just envisioned this moment for awhile not as long as some do, but long enough to be nervous about the moment that door opened and all eyes were on me.

You'd think as much as I enjoy being the center of attention I'd enjoy being the center of attention, but...yeah not so much. It was nerve wracking having all those eyes on me and I couldn't even look at Mike until I got there.

THe most important photograph I wanted though is one of my all time favorites. I insisted on it, I cared about no other photo as much as I cared about this one. His face, when I walked through the door. (THat is also my very most important shot to get when I am shooting a wedding, whether the bride thinks she wants it or not, she does...).

I wish I'd have had some xanax or tequila to chll the nerves out just a tiny bit. See, once I got on the platform, I thought I was going to pass out. I was mortified. I started getting really really really hot and it was actually really really really cold. My head started to swim a little, I felt woozy, I had to work at standing up straight. I remembered us watching some video show that had people fainting at their wedding and MIke said, "You do that I'll leave you there and walk off." Now of COURSE he was joking, but don't think it did not go through my mind. How EMBARRASSING would that be???? Luckily I held strong.

He had the sweetest look on his face. He was so damn smitten with me. Okay yeah me too.

It was a great day and I was very overcome with emotion. I tried really hard to let every guest to see inside our relationship and really feel our emotion. I don't know about them, but I did. ;)

Anyway I love how people would look at us when they'd ask us where we met. Not at the grocery store, not at the gym, not through a friend or at Church. We met at a.... BAR! Not just any bar, but a Country bar. Those are presumably worse for relationships right? ha! Well, I doubt either of us was looking for what we ended up with that night, but slowly (per Mike's under-zealous approach to dating) we talked when we'd see each other and by the time we got to that first date, after that one issue with someone standing someone up and I can only attribute some higher power to pushing forward to allow a second chance, we have not ever left each other's side since. Obviously less some hunting trips, girls weekends and let us not forget the times the military intervenes to cause for a short break from one another. I came to the realization that our Grandfathers had to have a hand in this. I believe that likely could have been the conversation that made Mike decide his initial impression of me was way off base and we did, indeed, have several things in common - a whole lot that was not common too of course, but that one conversation still stands out so vividly. I could think back and imagine them both up in Heaven, in their coveralls nudging us toward one another. It was time. I needed him, he needed me. When we finally got a chance to talk, it was pretty fast moving from there.

Oh fast is such an understatement where Mike and I are concerned! ha! Obviously we did not get married a month later or anything, but in the scheme of things, we certainly waste no time moving right along with life.

Our relationship grew so fast, into so much, I don't know that I've ever in my life had an ounce of such an infestation of butterflies. He made my heart swell so often. Okay he still does. ha!

In five years time, we've gotten married, gotten pregnant a few months later and had a baby and then shockingly added another one just 22 months later, sold our house, moved to Merkel to that (shudder) house. We've lost loved ones, we've gained new friends, we've been separated for months, started businesses, changed vehicles, gone through our own personal tragedies and grown together as one damn fine family. Recently we've uprooted ourselves and move across the ocean to the other side of the world. I hear so often how that makes people grow apart, many have a hard time being somewhere foreign, away from their friends and family however, we have gotten closer. To be honest once the boys got here we didn't really have any time together at all. Mike worked two jobs while I was at home with the boys and trying to work my one job from home with the enormous job of keeping up with two small boys. Anytime Mike was able to be home, I had to go out and shoot and then I'd be up until the weeeee hours of the morning working while he slept. This is how we went on for a long long time. We might see him at lunch and on the weekends some, but that was about it. This whole FAMILY TOGETHER thing was just beyond our reach. Shortly before we left, I was still not sleeping and working as much as I could around the boys, but Mike went down to one job finally, which called for me to work even more. We wanted him WITH us though. So at least he got to spend some more time with the boys and we did get a good deal more time together than before, albeit it broken into bits but it was better than nothing.

Coming over here, I am not working yet (just trying to finish up some unfinished business) and Mike only has his one job. His new position does call for a lot more hours but we are still together an awful lot and that is what we wanted so badly. I get to see my husband. I get to hear him and the boys wrestling and giggling all the time. The boys wait at the window most days for Daddy to show up knowing there will soon be a wrestling match or tickle fest taking place. They eat it up. Our weekends are all ours. We try to go do things outside as much as we can. We're planning trips and vacations (holidays) as a family. It is blissful.

Mike has been a wonderful thing for me. He is such a gentle soul, too gentle sometimes. He handles my "rough" nature very well most of the time and is patient and understanding when I am not -- vice versa. We are so very very different, but in most cases we compliment each others differences. Not to say that he doesn't drive me out of my mind half the time and I can only imagine how much I drive him nuts too. He appreciates my weirdness and I appreciate his silliness. I find it refreshing to be around someone who honestly has no idea how awful some people can be, how dark the rest of the world is. It is like we live in this sunny little patch of life and while there are definitely rainy days - there is a bubble where no evil can ever enter again. It is sort of a safety net for me, that I am never reminded of things that I used to have to be reminded of all the time. At the same time, I would do anything and everything in my power, to keep him from knowing those things, or seeing it. I think some folks might sometimes misconstrue what I say when I say that, but if you grew up like me and you marry someone that grew up like Mike - then you would understand. While I certainly cannot relate to his childhood and he most definitely cannot relate to mine - we try very hard to take into consideration our very different beginnings and make them into one hell of an ending.

I think back and remember how there was no way on earth I'd have ever in a million years foreseen my future going this way. Not at all. Is it what I expected that night I met him? Ha, far from it! I figured we'd date for a few months, go on about our separate business. I'd go on and move to Austin and he'd find himself a nice wholesome girl and get married and have lots of babies.

Well... I did move out of Abilene, he did marry himself a girl, wholesome isn't really any sort of word to use to describe me and we met in the middle on the babies. You certainly can't ever ever know where you'll be in a day, much less five years down the road. I'd never take back one second of it though. There are far too many women standing at the door waiting for me to croak! ha! I swear I don't believe I've ever heard so many of my dear loved ones, family and friends say that if I didn't work out, they love me and all but they'd be beating down his door. I suppose I should stay on my toes then.

I definitely got a good one. How I lucked out, well I'll just never know. He gives me something I only ever dreamt of, something I never ever knew was real. I just thought it was something people made up for songs and movies. I'll be damned, it IS real and somehow it smacked me in the forehead. So for once, I pulled my head out of my butt and snatched it up.

I've got that guy that, yeah...he leaves his dirty clothes on the floor and repeats the same story to me still to this day that he's told me 30 times. He also filled my heart back up when it was nearing the proverbial "E". He showed me another side of the world, where people are genuine and where they really DO love you...genuinely. There is no agenda - just the genuine article.

I'm a dork and you know that song by Keith Urban? "I Wanna Be Your Everything"?

I can specifically remember listening to that song and thinking there was NO SUCH thing as a man that wanted that. I remember praying sometimes, to find that, to just know that in my life, just for awhile even. I met him and I KNEW he was it. He was that guy from that song, the one for me. The one who really thought those things.

Still to this day, on just this evening, he hugged me for a moment and it was just as great, as the one I got when he came home from his first deployment away from me. It is still just as comforting and fulfilling now as it was way back then. I just don't feel as small in his arms as I once did, but hey I guess it can't ALL be perfect right? OH well.

Oh and P.S. my dirty clothes are probably laying right on top of his. However, since they are ON his, they are not technically ON the floor. Gotta word these things right!

Shortly after our engagement, which incidentally happened just shortly after his return from deployment.
One of our engagement photos - courtesy of Bandi Jones

One on the fateful evening, some five years ago today. Man...we've aged a lot awfully fast! ha

hahaha. This one just cracks my ass up. My first skiing trip. Or, as Mike calls it I think... The ski trip of Mike's nightmares. Hey, I wasn't THAT bad, I'm inventive to say the least. I now know my place is in the warm by the fire with hot cocoa. It is where I shall stay unless someone wants to buy me a snowmobile. hehe. I wanted real snow, I got it. Some blizzard blew in while we were up there on the mountain, well it seemed like a blizzard anyway.

It was fun and then I wound up pregnant a few weeks later. How'd THAT happen?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bliss, Ecstacy, Romance and a Dirty Diaper Please

Five years ago today a door opened and from the cold outside where I stood with my Dad, I looked into a vast room warm and full of loving smiling faces. At the other side of this room stood the other side of my heart. The sweetest look I'd ever seen, smiling at me (I think I even saw his chest puffed out). At the end of this aisle, was my prize. I'd gone through all of the obstacles and through the trials, tribulations and losses. I'd done it all, I'd come out on top, victorious. Here was the ending of that life and the beginning of the new one. A re-birth. Looking back now, as I had cursed the weather for messing up my hair, making my freeze to death with my LITERAL cold feet, and thanking everyone that came out on that weather miserable evening to witness this event. It was like the award ceremony at the end of the season, the inauguration for the new President. It was my entry into happiness.
I can see now, that the weather, can metaphorically represent my past and the heart aches I'd been through. The awfulness that was my life, I stood there in the cold with my sister and my Dad, holding their hands and this door opened, to warmth, light and love. I was nearly frozen solid by nervousness, my gosh when have I ever had such stage fright? Hated being the center of attention? but I was actually kind of petrified for a moment and wanted to just run to the front so that everyone was at least looking at BOTH of us and not me alone.
I can still to this day, remember that look on his face, it makes my heart thump a few beats faster. No one has ever looked at me that way. Never. No one ever will again. That is a look I can only get from him.
Can anyone else just LOOK at someone, and let them know that they are so loved, forever safe, comforted, supported and always theirs to love? I get that from him, still. I catch him once in awhile when he doesn't realize it, and I am getting that look. Is there anything that can make you feel more special? Even after all this time? It means so much to me, to see him out of the corner of my eye looking at me that way.
I felt as though our wedding night was a huge celebration of life, love and future. It was celebrated and witnessed by so many people. So many people came together to help us put it together, to see us, to wish us well and let us know how happy they were for us. I never expected such a turn out, I've always felt like there was a special hand over the church that night. In that tiny town in the middle of nowhere Texas, on a cold, foggy rainy November night, so many made their way out through the awful weather to be there with us. Inside there was warm light, warm hearts and just a glow of happiness. It is almost dream-like now. The day itself was a whirlwind and never would have come together had it not been for SO many others. A few folks in specific of course! I could never pull anything like that off alone.
How little we knew that the whirlwind would never stop. Fast paced is an extreme understatement where Mike and I are concerned. Very much so. A few months after our blissful evening we found out our house would now be four, not me, him and the dog. We were blessed with our sweet little boy just 13 months after our wedding and much to our surprise, our second little bundle of wildness wrapped up in a beautiful baby boy a mere 22 months later.
In the grand scheme of things, when you sit and put 5 years on a piece of paper, it honestly is not that long. Five years and we've gotten married, had two babies, sold our home, moved to Merkel and then on to England! Who knows where on earth the next 5 years will take us, but I know I will not be bored.
We have been blessed. So very blessed from the first moment we met. Um, the OFFICIAL meeting, not the one someone swears took place before. hahaa!

Oh and where did this bliss begin? I love telling people this, because I love the line, "You can never meet anyone there." Well, I did. I am sure we're a special case but I'll take it. It was not the grocery store, not the gym, not even through a friend or at church and no, not online either. We met at a BAR! Not just any bar, but a Country bar because those are presumably worse for dramatic high class relationships right? (Think Urban Cowboy).
I'll never be convinced otherwise that there weren't a couple of worn callused hands working magic from above. See Mike was under one impression of me, but we began talking anyway, we went on a date, after someone stood someone up and beyond all reasoning a second chance was given. On our first date, I think the conversation that really got things rolling, was that of our Grandfathers. The similarities were uncanny and we'd both lost them to prostate cancer within a couple of years of one another. So I could only look back and imagine them walking about, whistling a diddy in their coveralls making sure we found each other and moved on together. From that one date, things grew insanely fast, so fast it was scary. Too good to be true, but sometimes I think he is. Just too good to happen to me, yet here he is, happening to me as are those amazing little boys. Every single day, they happen. The one that looks like me and the one that looks like him. The one that acts like him... (oh help me please!) and the one that well, just acts like himself with too many of my personality traits.
We are so different but compliment each other in just the right ways. We drive each other absolutely insane with nit picky little things but we laugh about it. We honestly never fight. We argue, we get a little huffy sometimes (i.e. I get pissy) but we've never screamed, called names, screeched the tires driving away in anger. Nothing.
I complain about his laundry or inability to find the garbage can right beneath the counter where he sat that trash. He complains about my incessant shedding of hair, how am I not bald seriously??? That's about the extent of it. Nothing that two people that live together wouldn't get annoyed with. We don't get enough time alone together, we're just now getting time as a family together.

It is awesome and amazing and I feel...what's that? Yeah I'll say it again. Blessed.
I am indeed blessed to have found the love of my life, to marry him and have babies and make a life.

"I've waited all night for this moment
To watch the day kiss the darkness goodbye
And I barely remember falling asleep
But the minute I opened my eyes
Every dream comes true

When I look at you
I see heaven
I see an angel
Lying here next to me
Bringing out the best in me
Hearts entangled
Wrapped in forever
This close together

Me holding you,you holding me
You opened my eyes,baby
I see,heaven"

Emerson Drive

So, I raise my imaginary glass and toast to us. Is that arrogant? To another amazing five years! Who knows what on earth we'll get ourselves into with that much time, but I'm sure interested in finding out!
I love you baby. Thank you so much for finding the other side of me that got lost such a long time ago. I am so lucky to have you and thank my lucky stars always for the day we finally got together and had square dominoes pizza, great conversation and a Kevin Costner movie.
(Now dear Lord! Someone fly over here and babysit so we can go on a date!!!!!!!!!!).


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Okay but seriously

I actually started to blog to post more photos, but then I got off on my tangent and it was just silly to add photos to it. Not to mention, I spent too much time ranting about absolutely nothing to delete it too.
So... now I don't even remember what all I have to load. ha!
Oh okay, now I remember! Geeeez.
This past weekend, we decided to go into Norwich, I've been dying to go, I've heard the shopping was killer - not that I had 10 pence to spend (hehe) but we just wanted to go. We had intentions of finding the castle ruins and having a picnic there. Well... wouldn't ya know, that TomTom has suddenly gone completely stupid on us and can find nothing further than the TOWN. Who's idea was it to name it after a guy? I mean for REAL, think about it? So we could NOT find anything. The boys were asleep, so we basically drove around a little bit and headed back home. Sad huh? Well, perhaps but Mike took the back way and scenic is just an understatement. I tried to take some shots of the landscape to share, but as I've mentioned before I am REALLY lame at landscape shots! REALLY lame. I have absolutely no future in stock photography. I will never be Aimee Ansel Adams. Not happenin. It is okay, while it is hard for me not to be awesome at EVERYTHING, I suppose I can take a hit once in awhile. My ego still stands strong. ;)

Anyway. Here. haha. It is rare so far, at least where we live to find anywhere you can SEE for very far. There are 8 foot tall hedges EVERYWHERE! It is evil and makes a claustrophobic person feel really really cramped and add to that night blind and it is ten times darker outside too. Regardless, you have no clue what is out there and you are damned if you want to take a photo of the English Countryside to share with your friends and family online!!!!!! Argh!

However, on this route, there were fields with no hedges, just open rolling fields with lovely little villages off in the distance and then on the way home, that sweeeeet light fell across everything between the cloud cover. If only I'd have had an engaged couple or wedding party or teenager there needing a photo session. THEN it would've rocked! ha!
Somewhere between here and there. I can't even name the village we were in, or the one we're looking at in the distance. (That you can't actually see anyway).

Is it weird to pull off on the side road, not paying a bit of attention, on a whim and find yourself standing on Milestone Lane? Does it MEAN something? Hmmm....

Ugh. I swear. I suck.

I just thought this was cool because of the clouds. THey looked like they were rolling right out of the ground.

This, well it is just a very English looking house. haha

It was so dense and misty and it really does do neat things with the light every direction you turn
Some English Countryside Bovine
So, on our way home, of course the boys are awake by then, Kade is upset because we did not get to see a castle and we're driving through bits and pieces of forest so he keeps asking if we are going to go to the forest. He loves it. So, just short of our house is a little spot that we've never stopped in. As you get out of the car, and walk in there is a 3 way split. There are 3 different trails to choose from.
Trail #1 nice, easy and open.
Trail #2 still open and easy looking, but perhaps a little more dense.
Trail #3 very dense forest and obviously pretty rough.
My little man got to choose and he chose trail #3! THAT'S MY BOY! Mr. Nature.
So, perhaps my landscape shots are pitiful, but least I can shoot some good fungi right? *sigh*
This is what it looks like when you let Kade loose in the outdoors. He LOVES it!
Brave as he can be...
Even though around every tree, shrub or leaf pile, there could be monsters. He's sure of it.
We're brave though because it is just too much fun to NOT go into the forest! Monsters or not!
On our way to school Monday. That is the day that Kade goes and Co stays with me. (He's wearing CODY'S sweater here...)
So, while Kade was at school, Co and I went to Thetford to the towne centre to get Kade his prize for doing so good with his recent potty issues. We also had to search for some hats and gloves because my boys are COLD! (Not that Cody will let a pair of gloves anywhere near him...)
The spot where I park to go in is pretty neat. There is a river running through and a 3 way bridge. One part goes to the parking area, the other one to a park and the other to the shopping area. Opposite the car park is this park. Mike and I had lunch there on our adults only day and since them it has simply DROPPED a ton of giant leaves everywhere. So after our hurried shopping, we went to the park for a look around.
He wasn't so sure he wanted to play with the leaves rather than go jump in the river and chase ducks, geese and swans.
"Wook! Wook MOMMY! A WEEF!!!"
Then he's done with me. You can start to see a trend eventually...
Wading through the ocean of giant leaves.

His shy photo pose.


In case you can't tell, that is not a look of love, it is pissed off. It is the fact that I MENTIONED McDonald's and it is not there in front of us magically.

And then the farce. The, "I'm up and not screaming my head off. I am fine Mommy, let's take our time and walk to the car and you will be oblivious to the fact, that I am going to have a full grown COW when you try to put me in the car. I will throw my hat on the ground and run away from you and then flop on the nasty ground in the parking area in front of the public restrooms and roll around on the wet disgusting asphalt screaming my head off. Then when you pick me up kicking and screaming, I will slap you a few times and rip up all the giant leaves you collected for Kade and I to do crafts on at home. Good luck finding your keys in all of this..."

This is a pretty house on the other side of the little river in the pretty little park with the pretty little orange tree.

Cody running away from me. Just the other side of THOSE trees is a ROARING river, where water from somewhere drains from under the bridge and it is absolutely huge and ROARING! Yeah. Kid gives me 10 heart attacks a day.

More weird stuff growing from the ground that looks better than any landscape shot.

Oh look...Cody running away from me again. Toward the bridge over the ROARING water.

Okay, and this goose just had the SWEETEST little eyes. There are several up by the big bridge, but this small bridge back behind everything is pretty quiet. This goose and one other were there and it was just so sweet, patiently floating beneath us waiting for some morsel that I just didn't have. Poor thing. Isn't it just cute? Also, there are LOADS of Canadian geese here, is that weird?

That concludes my manic blogging for the day. I swear there has to be an easier way to load photos to this blog. I need to research.

Have a great Hump Day!!!