As I still, yes STILL wait for my new computer. This is sickeningly RIDICULOUS PEOPLE!!! I have but a couple of pics to share from the past week. There are many from Christmas that I've got to share before I am disowned. However, I'm not much into the late hours lately and it's very late and I have little to show for my time sitting here.
I won't get started on the ridiculousness of the shipping of my new computer tower. I mean I really will NOT!
At any rate.
I love this one. I had to antique it b/c it reminded me of an old shot from way back. Cody putting his "letter" to Santa on the mantle. Hey, I'm sure Santa could read it even if I could not. Cody knew what he meant! Aren't those trap door jammies to die for???? They love them, so do we!
Shannon, don't show SUe please!!! She'll be on the other side of the sofa soon!
Did I mention we got a lap dog????
Not a lot of anything going on here at the moment. Tired. Annoyed. THankful.
Oh... well okay I lied.
There is ONE big thing.
Of great interest to anyone that has no children. OH wait... I mean that the other way around. ha!
Cody, who went on potty hiatus after we arrived, is now VERY much almost potty trained!!!! He just had to be left the hell alone. He goes all by himself and does NOT want your help! This is very helpful since his favorite outfit is his nakedness.
He's SO proud of himself too. We've not used any sticker chart or rewards at all. Nothing but unending fanfare. HE's good to go. Not on purpose, it's just the way it has played out. For the time being, he seems pretty satisfied with just getting a big deal made of it. This is only b/c he must've heard me tell Mike that apparently we should just ignore it and act like it happens everyday. Due to this recent development...we now also have to scream and jump and hi-five for Kade as well. Hey, if it gets me out of putting the pull ups people's grand kids through college...I don't care. I'll go outside and scream it to the whole damn village if they want me to.
I'll write it on my car. I'll blog about it. hahaha
We're proud of our little guy and I really need to video him. Not in the act obviously...but when he comes out of the bathroom b/c it's pretty damn cute if I do say so myself. MAN is he ever proud of himself!!!!
He is even napping naked. Yeah... hey don't ask me. It's what he's insisting on. I hope he finds an open-minded wife when he's grown. hahaha!
At any rate, that is our excitement here.
The boys have been doing fantastic which is honestly what I LEAST expected since they've had this LONG break from school. Mike is back to work this week and running 12's no less, which sucks. So he's not really seeing the boys much at all other than me keeping them up past bedtime to see Dad for half an hour. I shouldn't I'm sure, but I can't help it. I feel bad for all of them.
Okay seriously though. I've got to get to bed.
Now I'll be a grump tomorrow b/c I was up so late. I've figured that much out already. ha!
More to come... but don't wait on the edge of your seat... ha!