Nearly there....

Friday, December 12, 2008


That is just how I feel lately. Absolutely unequivcally boring. I don't know when I've ever been so boring. Not really bored, just boring. I'm sure I've been boring before, but it was my delusion that I was not so leave it be!
I have not picked up my camera since Kade's birthday! Can you believe that? It has sat up on my desk for ten whole days untouched. I'm sure it has felt so neglected and unloved. I'm sorry Canon, truly I am.
So I have no new photos to share, although I know there is a plethora of old ones I've never shared but eh... frankly I'm too damn lazy to go hunt them down right now. Doubt they've even been converted yet. Blah.
Can we all have a big collective BLAH?????
I'm in the holiday spirit though. So it is not that. I wonder if it is S.A.D.? Maybe I need to go hit the tanning bed a few times. That is a good idea self! That might just do me wonders! Okay, then it is settled self, tanning we will go!
See? Lord. I am so boring I even bore myself.
It would worry me if there was a case of S.A.D. coming up already because we've got a LONG LONG way to go! Yikes! No, I'm sure I just need some serious mental stimulation that'd do me wonders. I was curious though if KIDS get it. Like little kids like mine. Kade hasn't been to bad but oh that Cody. *sigh*
He's just been sooooooo aggressive lately. He's very wound up and grumpy a lot. Maybe I need one of those sun lamp things I've seen. I almost find this condition and the treatments for it sort of fascinating. I must research it. I can surely believe it though, it is so hard to deal with it getting dark so early and staying dark so late. I always feel so tired, as if I've been up way way past my non-existent bedtime. We left to go to Mike's Christmas party last weekend and I felt like we leaving the house at 8 but it was only 5.
The weather? It is cold as hell. That's all I can say about that.
So you know in Texas it has to be below freezing for what? 48 hours or 72 hours before anything will stick to the roads? Well it is not freezing or below all day everyday, but if it frosts over at night you can bet your sweet arse it is going to be slick as owl... well my my isn't that some good ol' Texas coming out in me? hehe.

My current state is hope and excitement. Santa is landing a puppy in my stocking, but not a little puppy. I'll so pass on the chewing, shitting, pissing, whining training stuff. Thanks but no thanks. I've had babies and diapers and plenty of pissing and shitting and whining to last me a long long while. We've even tried to decide if rubbing Co's nose in it when HE pees in the carpet is child abuse or not. I'm going to lean toward yes, but don't think the thought doesn't cross your mind sometimes. Oh you think that is awful? Well I'll send him on over so he can piss in your carpet a few times.
Anyway, I've obsessively searched every single dog rescue for the entire flippin country for the majority of the time we've been here, once we got our house that is. I know every dog at every rescue backward and forward. I narrowed it down to five or six and then had Mike narrow it down further. We were down to a red dobie male pup, a female dobie mix and a boxer/mastiff mix. I was absolutely beyond FLOORED when Mike dropped every other dog in an instant when he saw this big huge pooch. I've always tried to sweet talk him into these enormous dogs (any enormous dog I swear the uglier and slobbier the better) but he's always adamant that we will NOT own one. While he's not a giant mosterous pooch, he is a bit on the big side. I dont' think he'll end up any larger than Elvis was.
Anyway. Cross your fingers that everything works out. You KNOW if Mike is so smitten with him he's got to be a special pup! He's normally so aloof about it, but he's smitten for sure. The description of this pup is just dreamy. That is all I can say and so I'm hoping we'll have him snuggled up with us on Christmas morning! Cross your fingers, I swear I'm almost giddy!!!
It has been such a long tedious process and I've honestly obsessed way too hard over it, but I really want another doggie. Sue needs a sibling, she loves having another dog around, so how neat will it be when she gets here to have a big "little" brother? She'll be in heaven!

So yeah.
That is the most of my excitement right now. While sure it is exciting, it is sort of sad too. ha!

I swear, I'm not even humorous or anything right now.
I should probably go get the kids from school, who knows what the teachers will do to me if I subject them to Co's temper longer than necessary! ha

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