i'm going to scream.
i just wrote out this whole long post. and guess what? sure it saves my blogs as i go along...but then somehow it selected EVERYTHING and then i got an "m" out and guess what? yes that replaced EVERYTHING and left me with "m" after nearly an hour of trying to yap about pretty much nothing with all interruptions included of course.
at any rate, i'm excited. i tried the netbook for 2 days. apparently i'm not 19 anymore and and cant be doing any of that 10" screen business. so my spoiled self took it back to store and traded it for five more inches. ;) haha! how could i resist though? i was just going to get a comparably priced laptop, but how shocking, they were OUT. so...spoiled, i noticed this beauty and mike got this for me instead. oh how i love thee new laptop. (except for that annoying thing i can't figure out that keeps opening new windows randomly and....selecting and erasing long blog posts). as long as i have coveted a macbook pro, i used my neighbors y'day and honestly i like this better. granted, i'm sure part of it is that i really have no desire to learn a new OS. i'm sure i'm the only photographer on earth that will say that. i just don't see the amazing difference. i actually think, thus far, this one is faster. haha
anyway. nothing much here. sick to DEATH of this shit winter and this shit weather. its not just me either, even lifelong residents say it's especially awful this year. i've never seen so much snow in my life. it's snowed sooooo much this year, most times it didn't stick and i'm even sure a lot of folks didn't even know it ever snowed (a lot was late at night). it has though. a lot. it snowed like mad just this morning, even started sticking and i'd rather have that than the in between. barf.
anyway. i keep daydreaming about the sun. about wearing shorts and sitting outside and feeling the warm sun on my skin. i even got called "fair-skinned" by a doctor!!! ME?!?! yep. i'm kinda pasty. ugh.
i think i might go find myself a tanning salon. sheesh.
anyway. i also don't have new photos. i know, dis-owned. *sigh* i just can NOT get the creativity going. there are loads of ideas up there, they just don't want to un-hinge and come on out. so i think i need to just schedule something and go DO it, with someone i can't cancel on at that. haha!
i think that will get me going. i know that steph and shannon are saying, "but you have two perfectly good subjects right there!!!" i can hear it, yep. all the way over here before you've even said it. i know, but it's just hard to explain. i'm afraid my camera is going to stop working due to no use.
well. i'm working on it.
however, my main point in suffering through endless interruptions was to try out a new method of sharing photos on here. so, just as a tester, we'll see how this is. if i could find a faster/easier way to share bulk photos, then hey all the better. it is an issue actually.
so, if this does work, then there are just a few that were faves from 2009. nothing new necessarily etc...
so here goes. i hereby vow to blog more now that i can do it easier without having to leave my children totally unattended or trying to do this in my sleep. now i can just vaguely ignore them in the same room and blog. that's way totally better right?
oh and now someone, something is totally screwing with me. firefox crashed. AAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!! (luckily firefox saves for you, so i didn't lose THIS). ugh!!!!
okay. now on to the test.
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