Nearly there....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

just to be a rebel and prove you wrong...

Since I know there are like 150 people sitting and staring at their screens, refreshing every other second, just hoping that I really will come back and post something else...
Well, okay so that's a load of crap. Anyway, just so I wouldn't be a liar or anything, here's a couple of pics of the snow. Now...truly, I have been sitting here, on my work computer since I last posted something. However...rather than putting together some monumental post of photos, amazing stories, hilarious ramblings etc... I've been having way more fun than that.
Yeah I've been backing up, cleaning off my hard drives. You'd think I'd have gotten like, REALLY far with that amount of time, but alas - not too far. It was really bad though, as in, I couldn't dump anymore of my memory cards until I got rid of some stuff because the grotesque amount of hard-drive storage space I have was kinda like...full.
Which is a. insanely disorganized and b. even more insanely irresponsible of me, I had to get it done, at least started!!!
So, that said, I made some room. I still have a LONG way to go, but I made some room at least. SO I could dump some photos from the last month! In layman's terms...I just dumped in about 1200 pictures to be done. So, yeah. We'll call it a worthwhile endeavor, although I may disagree when I have to get up in 4.5 hours!
Mike is now on a swing shift rotation. Which initially I was like, "woohoo! cool! he can do morning drop offs! how AWESOME to get to split this!!!"
Oh puh-LEAZE give me a break for being SO naive. Really, how can I ever give them the benefit of the doubt? Yeah. Well, it's an EXTENDED shift, so he doesn't even get off till 2AM and then it's nearly an hour drive home and then you add in the fact that England has gone arctic over the past month. Well...needless to say, my hopes and dreams of splitting the school running around were immediately shattered.
Go figure.
Someday, perhaps SOMEday I will know what it is like to all be here in the morning for breakfast, and all home at dinner time. YES I am well aware I"m thankful to have him here at all. DUH. More than most can actually imagine. Still, you hope, wonder what it's like. You know how the grass is always greener, in my mind...meals are always higher attendance numbers.
So anyway. That said. I'm going to toss some old photos up here, that probably need some 'splainin' but no time. Must sleep. This whole quitting smoking is great and all, even with the re-extension of my ASS, but...I'm about to bash my head through a wall with this stupid ass coughing! Did I not QUIT so I wouldn't do that?!?!?! Okay so I realize, now that I googled it a couple days ago, that it is just part of the healing process - IT CAN GO AWAY NOW!!!!!!!!
Well, my optimistic side says, since I'm coughing so much so soon for so long, that only means that my body is regenerating that good ol' lung stuff faster, stronger, better and maybe there will only be minimal damage. Let us all hope.

On to the photos so I can go hack, sputter, and choke myself to sleep.

Just a *few* from some of our recent snow. This is the first snow we got before Christmas. I don't know really how much we've ended up with. We got a great deal more up here than they got near the base. It snowed just before Christmas, had pretty much all melted off but in some places in the woods where there was no sun, and then at New Years we got hit again. There's still snow on the ground. I still can't get in my parking spot in front of the house. It's still extremely touchy just getting out to the main road...absolutely INSANE I tell you. Nothing this West Texas gal has ever seen in her *short* young years. ;o)

Sweet dreams all!!!!

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