Nearly there....

Friday, March 27, 2009

I just thought I'd say...

You know everyone gives me a hard time to send or post pics of the boys and where we've been etc... but um, did you all KNOW that I've not gotten ONE SINGLE photo from anyone back home? Wait, scratch that, I got A, as in singular, picture of Ben with Santa. ONE.
I better not hear anymore complaining until I start getting something back here people!!!!
I'm sure that Ben is 5 feet tall, Heather has a dark tan and Ally has gone bleached blonde. Ash is probably a brunette now, Renfro has a beard, Shea is driving and Bodie a red-headed stunt man. I wouldn't really know.
A lot happens in little time with young 'uns you know.
Totally unfair.

Yes. It really took me ages to let this sink in and y'day I thought, "HEY! Wait a damn minute!!!!!".
SO fess it up.

NOt sure how to share with us w/out using snail mail? Or with bogging up your email???
Oh well of course I know TONS of ways! :)

Download Picasa 3 and you can add me as a friend, when I add photos (which btw are automatically loaded whenever I open the program, it finds whatever is on my computer) I can share with you and voila. Same for you!
So there's that.
Flickr. I have an account there, it's free unless you want a pro acct. Make an acct. add me, voila.
Sams Club has album sharing, which I do use frequently btw b/c I can load an album you can view, order and pick up in an hour. I can also order from yours and have them shipped to me.
Wal Mart (shudder, sams has WAY better lab just so you know).
I could go on and on. You could go on and on and on if you happened to do a search on google. So, in other words, the possibilities are endless. Get busy!

Oh, and just another little something.... I thought of the other day too. I know that there were a couple of videos taken at our wedding (you two know who you are!) well, its now 5 years later and we've yet to ever see them! hahaha!
So if by chance, you are bored (hahahahahahahaha! funny I am) it'd be great to get those sometime. I remember what it was like to look like a bobble head and Mike could see his manly freedoms flying out the window (okay well we know that's not true at all actually). So ya know, hey at least it'd be great to have by our sixth anniversary, which isn't until NOvember, so I"m giving plenty of time.

Okay. Public Service Announcement of the day is over.
I'm busy working on grad. invites for a couple of lovely gals! :)

Have a Fabulous Friday!

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