That they BOTH nap anymore! I suppose I got spoiled because I could almost --
almost -- always get them to nap at the same time. However,
Kade has tried numerous times to drop napping and failed at it, but lately it seems he is finally ready. By fail I mean he'd refuse to nap and be a complete and total mess by 5 or 6 pm with still a few hours to go. If he did stay awake, he was a little beast to say the least but most often he'd fall asleep wherever he was still for 5 seconds and he could NOT be woken up. So it was just not time yet and we'd just have to suffer through it until he decided that whole napping thing wasn't so bad
after all again.
However, he thinks it is the worse thing in the world now. This only happened because I
persevered. This was a day he woke up at about 5 AM. That is the only reason it happened.
Cody, I doubt I'm going to get 4 years out of him on the naps. While the boy DOES love his sleep, he's always been one to just come out and tell you he was tired and wanted to go to sleep. He'd lay down and be out within seconds, like his Daddy. Now though, he's starting to fight them more and more, push longer and longer to stay up etc... He's even lasted longer than
Kade at bedtime lately.
The thought of neither of them ever napping is horrifying to me.
It's a Stay at home for now, but for real Work at Home Parent's only reprieve. (I really hate it when people would call me a stay at home Mom). Try working at home with your own business and two small children then downplay my role as nothing more than baking cookies, playing hide and seek and cleaning my house, having a warm dinner on the table with my MAN walks through the door. Please, try it out first, then come to me with the condescending tone.
So I can say, "yeah...that's what I thought."
So, you may be thinking to yourself, "well yeah, but now aren't YOU doing that to stay at home parents?"
Most certainly not! That in itself is an EXTREMELY difficult job, one which is only meant for certain people, which in many instance, I can be honest enough with myself to say...I am not one of them. It takes a very special person to do it, to do it and be GOOD at it. I'm not. I do it, but I never feel good at it. I have some friends who stay home with their children and they are always out doing play groups, making crafts, playing games and going to parks, museums and other kid related things.
Me? Oh HELL no. Taking my children to anything other than dropping them off at school and the rare insane run to the grocery or
pediatrician, is just cause for some manic raving before the day is done. It is exhausting, they piss me off, run me down and own my ass before it's even half way through whatever we are out to do. Sadly, I rarely feel it is worth it because they behaved SO awful and I am just not a Super Mom. I'll be nutty enough to try it again soon though, I should say that I DO try, it just never goes well, so I don't torture us all and keep trying daily.
At any rate, their good to bad day ratio lately has taken a swift turn. I don't even know why I'm typing this because it never fails that I do and they turn demon on me. At any rate, they've been acting a great deal better and I've been trying extremely hard to just shut up and roll with it.
I've somehow gotten caught in between those Super
Stay at Home Moms and the Super Go to Work Moms and just hang out in limbo in between.
Ah well. They started back to school today and it was not a moment too soon. While they made the Christmas break much more enjoyable by behaving much better, as of the past couple of days, it was TIME for them to get away from me and me from them.
See, I fully understand its not just ME that needs the break, they do too. In fact, instead of feeling sorry for myself always feeling as if I can't go pee in peace, I should feel sorry for the kids, I can't imagine having to be around me so much!
I feel sorry for myself not getting a break from myself most often!
Oh well. Maybe I'll learn to behave a little better some day too. They were more than excited to go back though.
Kade was ready to play with his friends, although I'm constantly getting these weird stories from him about one boy he talks about ALL the time, I think he likes him, but I think they must have a Love Hate relationship. Since he said the other day that he was really ready to go play with "S" again, he is a lot of fun, but he "fight me". So then I imagine some steel cage match being held in their classroom over who gets the red crayon. I really should do something more constructive with my thoughts I think.
Anyway. I have honestly, absolutely nothing of much importance as usual. We're hoping to have our
chocolaty brown pooch to join us very soon. I'm even looking forward to it too! Shocker right?
hahaI haven't had much time on the computer. I've been killing myself to try and keep up with this damn house again, to get over the holidays and to teach these darn sloppy ass kids how to keep their crap put up. I can't wait for warmer weather so I can boot their asses outside more AND so the boot sales will pick up more so I can dump some of these damn toys off on some other unsuspecting fool parent. I'm gonna have a HAY DAY getting rid of this crap! It is a hard thing for me to do to get rid of toys oddly, but it is time. I can't take it.
If anyone needs to buy something for my kids. Buy them clothes PLEASE, but remember how picky Mommy is!
hahahaNo for real, we didn't even get too crazy this Christmas like we normally do. Some other folks did, but that's okay, I understand it fully. We just need to get rid of some old to make room for the new. Where's Kristy when I need her??? She'd whip my toy pack-rat fanny into shape in no time! Maybe it is time to annoy myself to no end with some
How I hate those emails.
I find myself flipping the bird to my computer screen or mouthing off other obscenities to that silly email bitching at me to get up off my ass and go wipe down my
freakin sink. However...I know too many folks, with stronger convictions that me, that swear by it and how it saved their home. Not that ours is drowning or anything, it's just the TOYS! Okay and my office still.
I should hire someone to just clean my office, but I can't stand for anyone to touch my stuff, so there's a good catch 22.
Okay well there is ONE announcement. Cody is at school today in UNDERPANTS (aka underwear). Jeans and undies. Not sure how that is going to go. He's only worn a night time pull up for about 2 weeks now, but...the kicker is that he is home and we all know what Cody likes to wear at home. Shoes.
So I have no clue how he's going to do if he needs to get his jeans and undies down to go. I sent a lot of clothes though. It was sort of a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario.
I didn't want to back step and send him in a pull up, BUT he honestly takes it WAY more personally if he has an accident (which he's NOT had but once when he had on undies) than
Kade ever did. So would it be worse to still let him wear pull ups when he's not home, or take the chance of him being embarrassed and feeling too much pressure.
I chose letting him just try it out and told the teachers if he was having a hard time, it was fine if they put a pull up on him. I took him to the
dr. the other day and I asked him before we left if he wanted a pull up or undies and he chose a pull up. He thought about it for a long time, so I give him props for deciding to go on the safe side b/c he wasn't sure if he could make it. That kid pees a LOT, no wonder the pull up bill was starting to get so monumental, so that is really my only concern.
Well, off of here now and on to something else.
Hopefully with more meaning than meaningless
jibber jabber. A nap sure does sound good but I sure do have several other things I could do.
How often do I just lay down in the middle of the day and nap though?
Darn kids. They've just got it made.
They have no idea....